The nine-week-old baby with an abundant amount of hair that has gone viral

Some so much and others so little ... Junior is undoubtedly the first. Have only nine weeks of life and sports a hair that many already wanted. His abundant amount of hair, unusual for a newborn, has caught everyone's attention and has quickly gone viral.

As his mother, Chelsea Noon, tells The Mirror, when he was born, he was told that his hair would fall out, but not only it was not like that, but he grew even more and now has a very peculiar hair. So much that he has already earned the nickname "Baby Bear" (baby bear).

Making the purchase with Junior Cox-Noon takes his mother two hours since everyone is surprised and asks questions about the baby's hair.

According to Chelsea, the boy already had too much hair at birth on July 30, but it was when he gave his first bath when he realized he was going out of the ordinary. "People tell me to cut it, but it's so unique that I'm going to leave it that way," says his mother. After bathing it, he dries his hair with a dryer, because otherwise it would take too long.

Baby's hair

The amount of hair with which a baby is born will not determine the amount it will have in the future. Although the usual thing is that it ends up falling in the first months and then the final one comes out, Junior's does not seem to be the case. Until about the seventh or eighth month the hair is usually quite irregular.

On whether or not to cut the baby's hair is a personal decision, in relation it can be made at any time, although if the baby is born in winter, for example, it may be advisable to wait a few months since the hair gives them enough body heat.

Via and photos | The mirror
In Babies and more | When, how and why (or not) to cut the baby's hair

Video: Mom Arrested After 9-Month-Old Baby Was Found Alone in Middle of Street (May 2024).