People criticize her for considering that her daughter is older to go in a stroller and she defends herself like this

The world is full of perfect fathers and perfect mothers. If not, it is difficult to understand that there are so many people willing to criticize the rest of fathers and mothers for doing worse than them, sometimes even addressing them or worse, children, to let them know their opinion or judgment and their solution.

Something like this happens to Rachel, Madison's mother, 5, when she goes down the street with her in the stroller and catches the disapproving glances, hears the comments behind her and stifles the urge to shout at them to explain why. To all of them, He has publicly invited them to come and ask him and so they will know why Madison goes in a stroller, in case for another occasion they think twice before making a judgment.

Madison has joint hyperlaxity

At first glance, she is a normal 5-year-old girl. However, as explained in LittleThings, Madison has Articular Hyperlaxity Syndrome. When you walk more than normal or when it is too hot, you start to feel pain in your legs, ankles and feet. Especially on the feet, so it is very difficult to go out with her to the street and pretend that she can walk away and return home without ending up sitting in the stroller.

The affectation to his legs is such that even when he takes her in his arms his legs are relatively hanging: he cannot put his legs around his mother's body because he gets tired in that position, so between that, and he already has a weight considerable, Rachel can no longer carry her in her arms (which would not provoke many comments of support, I imagine).

Madison takes pain medications and anti-inflammatories to alleviate the effects of her syndrome a little and find herself a little better.

You don't always need the stroller

The fact is that the girl does not use it every day, because she does not always need it. In fact, it was a year when he barely used it. However, on vacation, with more heat and more distances to travel, the fatigue returned, the pain returned, and the father had to carry him in his arms most of the time.

So she retrieved the stroller for Madison, even knowing that looks and comments would return. And of course, when he felt them again he decided to write about it on his Life of my Family and Me website, to address whoever gets to read it this way:

The next time you see a child in a stroller and find it too old to go in one, do not judge or assume that the child or parents are lazy or lazy. Do not whisper behind the parents' backs or frown upon seeing them. First because it shouldn't matter why a child goes in a stroller, and second, the child might actually have a reason to go in it!

Now I just need, in my opinion, Let him start telling people. Because I do not believe that those with whom you come across on a daily basis end up reading your words on their website. Madison has two options, go in a stroller or go in a wheelchair. You can always tell them the same thing: "It was the stroller or the wheelchair", and accompany it with a guilty giggle. But this, of course, is his business. You may consider that it is better not to make those comments in front of the girl.

Video: Man Grabs McDonalds Worker for Having to Ask for a Straw (July 2024).