Gastroenteritis, otitis and other "itis": most common diseases in babies and children in summer

Just as in winter we have the most ranked diseases, there is also a top ten of summer, and some coincide. Viruses love the heat, they roam freely in the summer months producing typical summer infections such as gastroenteritis, otitis or conjunctivitis, among other "itis".

Oh, and they also accompany us on vacation, so don't let your guard down. There is diseases that visit us without fail every summer and rarely miss their appointment. These are some of the most frequent diseases in summer in babies and children.


Pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharynx caused by infection of a virus, more frequently, or a bacterium. It can be started after an infectious process such as the flu, cold or tonsillitis in which case it is called pharyngotonsillitis.

During the winter season pharyngitis of viral origin are more frequent, while those of the bacterial type tend to increase in the change of seasons, especially in the spring. The most frequent are pharyngitis caused by the streptococcus bacteria, which cause rapid throat irritation and very acute pain accompanied by fever.

The tonsils and pharynx become inflamed, with the presence of sores, accompanied by nasal congestion, and occasionally diarrhea and skin rashes.

The pharyngitis of viral origin, is not cured with medicines and the recommendations are similar to those of the treatment of colds, however if it is of bacterial origin antibiotics are administered that must be prescribed by the doctor.

They are also frequent in summer irritative pharyngotonsillitis caused by air conditioning. It does not usually cause a fever, only a sore throat caused by exposure to the flow of cold air.

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The otitis of the pool or the swimmer manifests itself with a strong and annoying pain in the ear that increases when touched. You can also notice liquid secretion that at first is usually a light color, but then becomes thicker and yellower like pus.

The humidity or the little hygienic waters, among other factors, are the causes of the appearance of this infection in the ears of our little ones. The bacteria present in the water cause inflammation of the skin that lines the ear canal, causing otitis.

Keep the ears clean and dry at all times, especially after each bath, and pay attention to the wax plugs, in summer it is common for the wax accumulated in the ear to absorb water from the sea or the pool and swell, causing the formation of a plug.


Mycoses or fungi are very frequent in summer, especially the so-called athlete's foot, usually produced in the pool showers. To avoid it, it is advisable to shower with the slippers and dry thoroughly between the fingers with the towel.

Pathogenic fungi can affect any human organ, but the most frequent are infections of the skin and mucous membranes.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, a membrane that covers the anterior part of the eyes and the inside of the eyelids. It can occur for various reasons, from an allergic reaction to dust, mold, animal dander, pollen or irritation from a cold, an outbreak of measles or ultraviolet light.

Among the symptoms that result from conjunctivitis, the red eye is the most common. In addition, there may also be increased tearing, blemishes, itching, foreign body sensation, photophobia or even corneal injuries.

Low chlorinated waters can cause infectious conjunctivitis, while chemicals used to disinfect pool water can cause irritative conjunctivitis.

Acute gastroenteritis

Most gastroenteritis is caused by viruses, but in summer the gastroentirits produced by food poisoning, like salmonella. It may be due to failures in the food preservation system or loss of the cold chain due to extreme heat at this time of year.

The main symptoms of gastroenteritis in children are diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and cramping. The treatment consists in hydrating the child with hyposodic oral serum without modifying the diet. In case of not tolerating food, consult with the doctor.

In Babies and more Symptoms of gastroenteritis in children


The pools are the focus of mollusc infection, a skin infection that manifests itself in the form of a pearlite between 2 and 5 mm.

The lesions that appear on the skin are caused by a virus of the poxvirus family. It can be spread by direct contact with the lesions of an infected child, and even the same child can self-infect by scratching and transporting it to other parts of his body.

The infection spreads especially in swimming pools because being exposed skin is more likely for children to become infected, or when touching the lesions they can spread the virus on the skin of another child.

Video: Infecciones del verano. Otitis, conjuntivitis, gastroenteritis y cistitis (July 2024).