Too late to be a father? Mick Jagger will be a father at 73

Two months ago we talked about Janet Jackson and the age to have a child, when we announced that I was going to be a mother with 50 years. Now we play the same song again because if everything goes well in a few months a baby will be born whose father will be a rock star, Mick jaggerbut one star 73 years old.

This is explained in the Daily Mail, where they say that this will be the eighth child (he has seven from previous relationships), the first with his current partner, the American dancer Melanie Hamrick, of 29 years. As they comment, the baby will be born in January 2017.

The singer is now 72 years old, but on July 26 he will turn 73; and this means that when the baby turns five months his father will turn 74.

Is it too late to be a father?

Well, everyone who thinks about it if you want, but if with Janet Jackson we already said that she was biologically older to be a mother, being a father with 73 years already catches you at an age when you already have grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.


An age when you don't have to be very skilled to realize that that child will not have a father for a long time. Of course there are exceptions, but if we consider that the average life expectancy in the US in men it is 76.6 years, the chances of the child growing up without much parental contact are relatively high.

But his mother is 29 years old!

Exact. And they have a lot of money, so the child is not going to miss anything. Or if? Why He is going to miss his father! How expendable are we? So invisible is the work that parents do every day, with our babies and our children, that many people see it normal for a 72 year old person to have a baby, because in total, the mother is already?

The figure of a father is as necessary for a baby as is that of the mother, so his presence in the upbringing, in his education, in his life, is beyond doubt. They need us, so when I see news like this I can't help feeling sorry for that child whose father will sooner or later be missing.

Yes, it is clear that in the first weeks, in the first months, the baby is mostly cared for by the mother. A mother who raises him, nurses him and gradually leaves him to become independent along with the father. A father who enters the scene little by little until there comes a time when So valid is he like her.

And yet, the figure of the mother seems to us so essential and that of the father so relatively anecdotal, especially in the case of Jagger, that as a rock star we all think that most likely you will neglect your baby.

Video: Mick Jagger's Family: 8 Kids And 5 Baby Mamas (July 2024).