Homework: no thanks. French parents declare with their children, on school duties strike

You will love it. It turns out that in France and in Spain! homework is prohibited by law, from 6 to 12 years old (in Spain).

A law that is not yesterday, in Spain the law is 1956, it has rained since then, the protests in our country lately have multiplied just as in France that Since March, French parents have declared themselves along with their children on school homework strike.

Forbidden, they are prohibited by law but ... teachers may not know it and perhaps with good intention they continue to impose duties on students to do at home, after school hours.

Since the end of March the parents of thousands of French students have called a two-week homework strike supported by the Federation of Student Councils of France.

They have called them "Forced labor" for being out of school hours, for considering them antipedagogical, for causing tensions in the family, for preventing children from spending time reading, playing, because inequality increases among students (those who may or may not receive help), because they extend the children's daily six-hour day.

For and against

There are many voices that raise the negativity of duties also in Spain, such as CEAPA wave FAPA that they are even considering making a mobilization similar to that carried out in France.

Last year on Navarra School Council at the request of the Ombudsman, he positioned himself against the excess of duties that students must perform and a few weeks ago it has been the Community of Madrid Assembly which has enacted a law to control, reduce or suppress them.

It is also true that since the CONCAPA, the federation of parents of the Catholic school, qualify as a "Great irresponsibility" the strike against the duties raised in France.

What is the need

Maybe the system is not raised correctly, maybe the fact that "It has always been done like this" It is no longer a sufficient reason. The reduction of class sessions, as in the community of Madrid, 45 minutes to be able to give language and mathematics every day, has meant for many teachers the impossibility of explaining and working in class the proposed agenda and hence the need to finish at home what sometimes almost could not start in class.

There are voices that are already demanding educational reinforcement programs in the evenings in the centers themselves, something that would help the students a lot and that would depend to some extent on the administration but given the educational budgets and their progressive reduction, more than 3,000 million reduction in recent years, is not something that seems to be on the ministry's agenda.

Some experts point out that for elementary school children the limit could be around ten minutes for the youngest ones and something else for those of the last courses but that they always have time to play, which is what they need at these ages and Do not happen as now that in many cases it is just the opposite.

Yes, in Finland there are also school duties. Whenever we talk about education we look towards this country and in this case yes, Finnish students do homework at home but it doesn't take thirty minutes something that is far from the average that Spanish children spend.

Duties such as reading books or writing essays or fiction can be interesting or even elaborate science projects but always without over-saturating the agendas of children who are now in many cases suffocated, which is being warned by psychologists as a stress problem. childish, as they point out from the Spanish Society of Psychiatry.

With no time to play, dream and imagine and with a childhood in some moments too stressed for their age and for their needs, we may have reached the point of having to stop and take action before today's stressed children become adults.

Video: Do schools kill creativity? Sir Ken Robinson (July 2024).