The amazing video of a natural caesarean section in which the baby is "born alone"

It is intended that births are increasingly humanized, that respect natural processes and attend at all times the needs of the mother and the baby. When vaginal delivery is not possible and a cesarean section should be performed for medical reasons, that respect should not be neglected. That's what is happening in some hospitals, that's why we hear more and more about the natural caesarean section or respected caesarean section.

It is a practice that is spreading in which cesarean delivery tries to resemble as much as possible natural birth vaginally. In the Torbay hospital in the United Kingdom they perform this practice and last year Sarah Saunders gave birth there in this way. Your husband has recorded the amazing video of his natural caesarean section in which the baby is "born alone".

Gradually changes are being made so that the caesarean experience is more participatory and emotional for the mother, since otherwise it seems that they "take the baby out" without being able to feel fully involved in the process.

Although the baby does not actually go through it, the natural caesarean section is to make an incision in the lower abdomen, as in any caesarean section, and take out the baby's head recreating the passage through the birth canal. In this way, the baby changes environment slowly, giving him time to release the pulmonary fluid, as in vaginal deliveries.

In this way, instead of having doctors remove the baby from the mother's womb, it helps to remove the head and the baby is left alone, as we can see in the video.

The practice also contemplates that the mother is accompanied, the late cutting of the umbilical cord and early contact with the mother skin to skin, although in this birth we do not see it done, at least until the recording is cut. The baby cries and is expected to put it on the mother's chest, but it does not happen. We have also seen cases in which the mother takes her baby with her own hands, an unforgettable experience.

Caesarean section, however natural, will never replace vaginal delivery. This is the way in which the baby should be born naturally, and that triggers key physiological and hormonal processes for the mother and the baby. But when for medical reasons, vaginal delivery is not possible, natural or respected caesarean section is a more satisfying experience for everyone.

Video: C-section Cesarean Delivery (July 2024).