An original snack for more cheesemakers: cheese fondue recipe served inside a loaf

Cheese fondue is a fun dish that we like to share with the family, but can you imagine that instead of a bowl or saucepan we could make the fondue in an edible bowl? That is the idea of ​​this cheese fondue recipe served inside a loaf, a fun proposal for family snacks, birthdays or excellent for an original snack.

In addition to preparing skewers to eat the inside of the cheese, it's fun to do it with the loaf's own bread, starting with the lid and continuing with the walls until the cheese is finished. Keep reading and I tell you how to prepare a delicious and melting stuffing ...

Ingredients for 4-6 people

  • 1 loaf of bread about 24 cm in diameter, a wedge of 300g Gouda cheese, 1 onion, 100g of Emmental cheese

How to make a cheese fondue inside a loaf

Cut a square at the top of the bread without reaching the bottom, simply to remove the bark and make a kind of cover. Cup the bread out the crumb, to make a kind of pan made of bread.

Finely chop the onion and caramelize it simmer in a pan with oil, stirring every five minutes to prevent burning. The goal is to get an onion of slightly golden color but very cooked over low heat.

Cut the cheeses into tacos and add them to the pan with the onion when it's practically done. Stir to get the ingredients to mix well while the cheese begins to melt.

Preheat the oven to 190ºC. Dump the contents of the pan into the loaf. Put the lid on and Bake for 10 minutes so that the inside is cooked and the bread is crispy. The bread absorbs the liquids released by the cheese when melted and is full of flavor.

Processing time | 20 minutes
Difficulty | Very easy


The cheese fondue inside a loaf It is a very fun dish that causes children a lot of fun and laughter. The good thing is that the filling is as rich as the container that contains it. You will see what success.

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