The negative consequences of carrying all the knowledge of the course hanging on the back: the heavy backpacks

Some bulge more than them, that is easily verifiable, you just have to walk around the door of any school at the time of entry or exit. Yes, today we stop to see the dimensions of school bags and especially the weight and what this implies on the backs of our children.

This of Bringing knowledge of the course on your back can have negative consequences, more than we would like as parents without a doubt.

Many of the elementary students in our country have all the subjects every day and that implies that every day they have to transport all the books, plus the exercise books that have some of those subjects, plus the traditional notebooks of others, more the case, more the agenda, more the flute, more ...

This is one of the reasons why More than half of children under 15 have suffered back pain according to specialists, especially among girls.

A weight problem

Because according to experts on this topic a child should not carry more than 15% of their body weightTo be clearer, a child weighing 40 kilos should not carry a ballast that exceeds 6 kilograms, but many of these children (and even thinner) carry backpacks that go up to 8 kilograms, at least a couple of times a day. When going to school and back from school.

This overload involves back pain and sometimes, according to some specialists, can lead to back disorders.

To the excess weight of the backpack, the lack of exercise, the bad postural habits, the inappropriate furniture of the classrooms and we already have the cocktail so that the child's back presents some type of injury to a greater or lesser extent.

And no, apparently the solution is not the wheel backpacks that may be more comfortable for the user but only move the possible ailment. The specialists talk about that this type of overloaded backpacks, can cause problems both in the shoulder and in the wrist due to the drag of them.

To this we must add the stumbling blocks that occur when several children come together dragging their backpacks from school or the setbacks that are generated when you have to go up or down stairs dragging the weight of school bags.

Any solution in sight?

Yes, of course we could look for the way that children could leave some of those books in class for the next day (in some lockers or chest of drawers) but here the so brought and brought homework of the school comes into play, a complicated issue in many homes when children return home. Without books, homework cannot be done after school.

Another option might be that teachers' cloisters stopped using textbooks as the main study tool in classrooms or that these books were published more widely and not in a single book or two for the entire course in each subject.

It would be more than interesting that school furniture It will also be updated and more easily adaptable to the height of the children who are using it.

In the meantime we can try to get the children to do some physical exercise to maintain a good muscle tone that strengthens the muscles of their backs, in addition to benefiting them in many other aspects of their life and health.

We can try to have proper postural hygiene, feel good in the chairs and keep their backs in a correct posture.

We can organize better how books and notebooks are placed inside your backpack, the heaviest material closer to the child's back, more inside the backpack and always, that the backpack be hung on both shoulders and that the straps or handles of the backpacks are padded.

As alternative measures and since it seems that at the moment the weight of the backpacks is not going to be reduced, this is practically everything we can do and what we have to take into account. After all, we are talking once again about the health of our children.

Photos | iStockphoto
In Babies and more | How children should carry the backpack | Prevent back pain: monitor the weight of the school bag and the way your children carry it

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