Women's Day: the way we have to go for our daughters, future workers

Today is celebrated on International Women's Day, a date on which we all talk about equality, labor rights and the achievements made by women in a society in which there is still a long way to go.

This year's motto is "For a Planet 50-50 in 2030: Let's take the step for gender equality." Will we get equality by that date? Hopefully. For our daughters. Because as mothers we not only think of our own rights, but of what awaits our daughters as future workers. Are we contributing to a better future for our daughters? What seeds are we planting for today's girls to reap the fruits tomorrow?

Value and support motherhood

Stop seeing motherhood as an impediment but as an advantage It is a step that at some point society has to take in order for things to change and we are moving towards true equality.

Motherhood is a plus, an added value, a transforming engine, which instead of standing out, hides. If we talk about working outside the home, there is research that shows that women with children are the most productive at work throughout their professional career, especially if they have two or more children.

Real work-family life conciliation

Achieve one real reconciliation it is a key point for women of tomorrow to get equal opportunities. Women should be able to choose whether they want to leave work to stay at home and take care of their children or go to work as mothers, without sacrificing their motherhood. Freedom is in the power to decide.

There are many measures that should be implemented in the coming years in order to promote true reconciliation: policies and companies that support maternity in the workplace, rationalization and flexibility of schedules, a minimum maternity leave of 6 months, paternity leave in conditions…

Equality from the family

Equality is not a value that is promulgated in speeches, but a teaching that parents have the obligation to instill in children since they are very young. As parents, educate boys and girls under the concept of equality from the example, from shared household chores to the slightest comments at home. Men must also be defenders of gender equality.

Equal pay

There are data that indicate that women charge 20% less than men for doing the same job, which if true is to be ashamed. Salary equality is an essential conquest for women, intimately linked to the assessment of maternity we were talking about before, since thes mothers experience the widest wage gaps. The so-called "maternity tax".

Support women's education

Access to women's education is key to achieving the 50-50 equality objective. Nowadays, girls have worse access and conditions in education than boys. One in five are denied access to education because of their daily reality of poverty, discrimination and violence.

Increased participation of women in leadership positions

There is a great imbalance with respect to men in access to managerial and managerial positions. More women are needed, both in leadership positions in the private and political sectors, and in the public sector. Promoting the participation and leadership of women and their economic empowerment is key to achieving equality.

“The participation of women at all levels and the strengthening of the women's movement have never been so decisive, with the collaboration of children and men, to empower nations, build stronger economies and healthier societies. It is essential that the 2030 Agenda bets on transformation and inclusion. ”

No to sex discrimination

It is essential to end all forms of discrimination against all women and girls worldwide, as well as eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation.

Stop gender violence

Too many women die every day because of gender-based violence, a scourge of our society of which boys and girls are also victims.

It is mandatory to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual exploitation and other types of exploitation.