The Zika virus has arrived in Spain, are pregnant women at risk?

The Zika virus has become a threat to pregnant women in several Latin American countries. WHO has activated an epidemiological alert, the United States recommends pregnant women not to travel to the affected countries, while the Colombian Government, meanwhile, asked to prevent pregnancies until June-July of this year, when it is believed that it will be controlled The epidemic

He Zika virus It is transmitted by the mosquito bite Aedes aegypti, also a carrier of dengue and Chikungunya, and of infecting a pregnant woman, can cross the placenta and affect the development of the baby's brain causing microcephaly, a head growth much smaller than normal. The epidemic is in full expansion and the first cases of Zika virus have already been registered in Spain. Are pregnant women at risk?

Countries affected by the virus

The virus is native to Uganda, where it was discovered in 1952, but it has been spreading through other tropical areas. Thus, in 2005 he made the leap to Oceania. In 2014 the first case was reported on Easter Island (Chile) and during 2015 it has been spreading reaching almost 20 countries where the mosquito that acts as a vector is present:

Brazil is the most affected country, with the largest number of babies born with malformations in the brain, about 4,000 cases of microcephaly and 49 deaths. But more countries are also affected: Colombia, El Salvador, French Guiana, Martinique, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Guyana, and San Martin Island.

And more is expected. WHO announced on Monday that the virus will spread to all countries of the Americas except Canada and Chile, and that it will affect four million people.

Zika virus risk in Spain

Although it is not an epidemic that is happening in Europe, the movement of people from one place to another makes it possible for people to travel, be affected and become infected by the disease.

This has already happened. On January 25, two cases were diagnosed in Catalonia infected by the Zika virus. They are two South American women who traveled to their countries of origin but are not pregnant and are well.

The Department of Health of the Generalitat has said that despite these specific cases no public health risk, since at this time of year there is no activity of mosquitoes that could transmit it.

Today a new case has been announced in Valladolid, the third in Spain, also "imported" by a man who had returned from a territory at risk for this disease in Colombia.

For his part, Dr. Fernando de la Calle of the Tropical Medicine Unit of the Carlos III Hospital, does not rule out the risk of epidemic in Spain As we have been able to read in Bez, however, he believes that the epidemic would be contained more quickly if it appeared in our country.

“Borders no longer exist for diseases; We must be more humble and think that what happens in a corner of Africa we can have at home in a single day. You can go around the world three times by plane, while you are still incubating a disease. ”

For his part, the Minister of Health, Social Services and Igualad, Alfonso Alonso, has said that Spain is not in danger from the Zika virus, since "the risk is very low." However, a preparation and response protocol will be approved with the autonomous communities in the face of “possible risks that may arise from the spread of the virus”.

As always, prevention is better than cure, and prevention is information. The Ministry has prepared a document with questions and answers about the Zika virus disease that you can consult at any time if you plan to travel to any of the affected countries and mandatory to read if you are pregnant.

Video: Colombia: Zika epidemic over as outbreak slows (July 2024).