Do you think that not telling children the truth about Santa Claus and the Magi is to lie to them? the question of the week

Not telling the truth is synonymous with lying, but When it comes to children and Christmas, there is a magical nuance. I don't like talking about lying, but about "feeding an illusion", but there are many parents who are not in favor of their children growing up believing in characters like Santa Claus or the Magi.

The this week's question It is very interesting and can be a good debate for those parents who have doubts about how to talk about Christmas with their children, so we ask you:

Do you think that not telling children the truth about Santa Claus and the Magi is to lie to them?

Please answer the question by clicking on the link above. It will direct you to our Answers section, where you can see the other opinions.

Last week's question

On the other hand, and also on Christmas themes, hoping to have inspired you to choose the gifts for the kids, we have asked you, what has been the toy that your son liked the most?

Anamare told us:

My children with the toys they have played the most is with the playmobil and with the kitchen utensils (I don't have a super-large kitchen, only utensils and food, they play on the floor or in any corner). Older people like a board game, the one they like the most is Monopoly (they love to have tickets). They also play a lot with the Play Station, they like minecraft a lot and although I was one of those who did not want them in front of a screen I have to recognize that this type of games also has its "positive" part, it helps improve spatial perception and Promote creativity. However, many times I see them playing with anything other than toys: cardboard boxes, ropes, making cabins with the sheets, and a toy "star" have been some wheels of the baby carriage that I was going to remove. They are casualplay, the two in front that go together and are great. They look like a ceramic lathe, sit on top and roll them. I think they could patent it as a toy, a sure success.

On the other hand, taniagarcia1 told us:

The toy he uses most (still) is an ikea owl that is silly that we gave him when he was 2 years old and a half, he is a puppet type. Well, it's like his son, because he sleeps with him, plays with him, if he plays something else there is the owl with her !! He is already spent after 3 years with him, but I tried to exchange it for a new one, and he doesn't want it, he just wants his buhin as she calls him :)

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it. Please do it in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry, if you answer here we will not be able to take them into account for next week.