Dads and moms blogs: Mindfulness, gifts and the "anti" nest syndrome

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

Do you know what is the Mindfulness? I confess that I had no idea, but the idea has seemed very good, like everything that serves to relax on a daily basis, and Lai blog So Think Mom He explains it to us and tells us What exercises can we also do with our children.

From outside our borders, in the blog Spanish mom in Bulgaria we get an interesting entry: What to give to a seven year old girl? And is that one already almost wants to have 15 and decide them without more.

Pillar from Moms full time He comes to talk about what we commonly call conciliation, but not everyone understands the same.

An entry that does not leave indifferent, of those that shake that part of the soul that we have there stored in the darkest part so that it does not hurt and is that Miriam tells us that yes it hurts ** in ** aflordepell

They say that as the end of pregnancy approaches, the desire for everything to be perfect grows in mothers, the baby's room and clothes, the clean house, is what is commonly called nest syndrome. But what happens when what we have is the "Anti" Nest Syndrome? Well, from the blog Diary of a Mother Engineer, Mama Ingeniera tells us.

Today is December 1, the day we open the first window of the advent calendar and since Mr Roderic present us this advent calendar for parents and children

And finally, Enric Bastardas from the blog Creative Little People give us some advanced tips or maybe not so much, but I'm sure we will all recognize, sarcasm.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog where you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look for future weekly reviews.

Video: LoveParenting: Peaceful Parenting Guided Meditation Album (July 2024).