We tried the Natural Feeling manual breast pump

From Chicco we want to share with you first-hand testimonials about our products. That is why we have asked a newly released mom to tell us her experience with the Natural Feeling Manual Breast Pump. This is your assessment:

Will I be able to breastfeed my baby?

When you are pregnant, and above all, if the probable date of delivery approaches, an indescribable obsession invades you for having under control everything necessary for the arrival of the new family member. The house is intact, the crib is already assembled and the cuckoo is waiting to be released. The basket has been ready for months in the trunk of the car and you are anxious to have your baby in your arms and see her face.

You have read many articles, you have been advised by friends and family who have already lived this beautiful experience, you have asked all your doubts to your gynecologist and / or midwife, however, the same doubt chases you again and again: Will I be able to breastfeed my baby? This, at least, was my main concern.

We recommend placing our baby to the breast as soon as it is born to start breastfeeding without problems as soon as possible. During the first 48 hours you will be well fed thanks to the colostrum produced by the mammary glands before the milk rises. But the truth is that, especially in new mothers, this increase may take longer than expected. I anticipated the situation and was careful to take a breast pump to the hospital so that, in this way, accelerate the milk production process. Thus he received double stimulation: a natural one, that is, through the innate sucking of the baby and another mechanic, provided by the breast pump.

Why I decided on the Manual Sacaleche

I opted for a manual breast pump because I intended to use it occasionally. The most important thing to get the most out of milk, besides being relaxed and comfortable, feeling good in the place where you are, thinking about your baby, massaging the area before you start… is to try keep a steady rhythm in the same way that the baby would do when sucking. This was relatively easy for me to achieve with Chicco's Natural Feeling thanks to its ergonomic handle with a pleasant coating that helps the hand not get tired during use.

I was also worried, since my skin is highly sensitive, that the funnel that comes into direct contact with the chest will irritate this delicate area of ​​the body, but it has a silicone texture specially designed not to hurt us.

Y thinking about its practicalityIt should be noted that it has a container that can be screwed directly to the breast pump and in turn a lid and a bottle nozzle to be able to feed the baby directly from it. Although for me, the biggest advantage is that any bottle container of the Chicco brand is compatible with it.

I recommend?

From my experience and in summary I can say that the Chicco Natural Feeling Sacaleche It is perfect to stimulate the rise of milk during the days you are in the hospital and the first weeks at home (something that very few people do and that I found very convenient). While is true that its most widespread practice is to use it occasionally when, either for your work or for any other commitment, you will not be able to be present at the time of taking the shot. And I still remember the first days of the return to work and some escapeditas that I could do thanks to this invention and giving my baby what he deserves the most, breastfeeding

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Video: 5 Best Manual Breast Pumps For Moms of 2018 You Can Buy On (July 2024).