Happy sensitive skin: some keys to follow with the pacifier

Have the sensitive skin It is one of the most frequent problems of babies. Many are diagnosed with atopic skin. If your baby has sensitive skin you should take special care with the products you use: clothes, creams, bath time ... Babies with sensitive skin need special care. Even the pacifiers they use may be more or less suitable to avoid irritation in the mouth area. We tell you what atopic skin care is and which pacifiers are the most recommended for your baby.

Atopic skin: how to take care of them

The atopic dermatitits It is due to a hypersensitivity in the skin, similar to an allergy. It manifests with prolonged inflammation in the skin, eczema and rashes with scales.

Must prevent children from scratching the area so as not to irritate her anymore. Can you help us? creams that the pediatrician prescribes to us so that it does not sting and it is also advisable to keep the nails of the children well trimmed so that they are not harmed. If the rash is scratched it can end up causing an infection.

It is convenient for children to have the well hydrated skin at all times, the creams we apply should be free of alcohol, essences, dyes, fragrances or other chemicals. After the bath, you have to dry the skin well with small touches with the towel, and then apply the cream. This application can be repeated several times a day.

When bathing the baby with atopic skinIt is advisable not to use too much soap, do not bathe every day and that the bathroom is short. In addition, we must buy clothes with natural fabrics such as cotton and avoid wool and synthetic fabrics.

Anti-irritation pacifiers

The mouth area It is one of the most often irritated. When your teeth are coming out, children drool a lot, and that area is constantly moist and many times, the skin around the lips shows redness.

Physio AIR pacifiers are the most suitable for babies with sensitive skin since they have numerous anti-irritation holes that favor air circulation, prevent saliva from stagnant and leave the skin free to breathe.

The range of Physio AIR pacifiers It is designed to have an ergonomic shape that fits the baby's small nose and mouth. Rounded edges help the child to be comfortable with them without disturbing him. So babies do not have to give up their precious pacifier even if they have a slightly reddened mouth.

Just when their teeth are coming out is when Relieves them of the comfort provided by a pacifier and suctionThis way they can calm down while taking care of the skin around the mouth and avoid irritation.

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