Onion recipe stuffed with meat with tomato

This Onion recipe stuffed with meat with tomato It is one of my favorite snacks when we meet a few at home, especially when it is a family reunion. With very few ingredients we can prepare a delicious and different snack that young and old like.

It doesn't take much work to make ours happy and this combination of textures and flavors will surprise everyone that by trying them they will be left wanting more. When they ask me for another floor, always say, "It will have to be the next time you come to see us. Today we have another food thing, this was just a snack". You will see how simple they are to prepare.

Ingredients for 8 people

  • 4 medium onions, 1 slice of bacon, 100 g of minced meat, 4 tablespoons of fried tomato.

How to make onions stuffed with minced meat

Peel the onions and cut them in half. Then we put them in a saucepan with olive oil and put them to cook starting from cold with the fire to the minimum. We forget them for about 40 minutes, until they are very tender, but still retain their shape.

While they are doing, we cook the grilled bacon without any oil and let it toast well. Then we chop it into small squares that will give a roasted flavor and a crispy touch to the recipe.

Fry the minced meat with virtually no oil and when it changes color, season and add the bacon cubes. We remove the inside of the onions keeping two or three layers. Chop the rest of the onion and add it to the pan mixing with the other ingredients.

We bind the filling with two tablespoons of fried tomato and fill the onion hulls carefully so that they keep the shape. We serve them on a bed of fried tomato garnishing each onion with a sprig of aromatic herbs.

Processing time | 50 minutes
Difficulty | Easy


This Onion recipe stuffed with minced meat and tomato It is a great snack that is eaten practically in two bites. For

Video: How to Make Stuffed Onions (July 2024).