11 benefits of good emotional management for our children

According to the World Health Organization, emotional health is defined as a welfare state in which the individual is aware of their own abilities, can face the normal tensions of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to their community.

The concept of work or contribution to society is far from the present of our children, but is it not important that our children, here and now, are aware of their abilities, have self-esteem and are able to face the challenges and tensions that Are you presented? It is what good emotional management You can provide them.

Emotional management consists in knowing how to regulate and express one's emotions, something that constitutes the key both to understand those of others and for others to understand us. But it is that good emotional management offers many benefits to people, and, of course, to our children.

Fear, rage, jealousy... are just some of the feelings that can cause a young child to "lose control." If you are in the tantrum stage you will know what we are talking about. Achieving good emotional management does not mean that tantrums will disappear overnight, it is not something that is achieved immediately. Don't we get angry as adults? But, normally, we have already learned to manage that emotion.

But it is that even those feelings that have not yet appeared in children and that, later, could harm them, are overcome more easily if good emotional intelligence has been achieved, if we have emotionally strong and self-confident children, with strategies to move forward, to overcome difficulties.

11 benefits of good emotional management in children

All the benefits listed below could be summarized in one: good emotional management Help our children to be happy children. That is why it is so important to facilitate the management of feelings, starting with our own management. Surely, by looking at how we manage emotions, we find some point on which we could improve and benefit from everything that follows:

  • Develop a positive attitude to life, to what surrounds us. Joy will facilitate an approach to other people.

  • It generates high self-esteem (a positive attitude towards ourselves), which helps us to accept and love ourselves as we are, unique, with virtues and defects.

  • Reason for change and new challenges.

  • Increase the level of tolerance to frustrations.

  • It helps to make decisions and solve problems and conflicts.

  • Improves the interpretation of external information, learning to value it critically and without group pressure.

  • Improve empathy, the ability to understand the other and put himself in his place, which favors interpersonal relationships.

  • Improves assertiveness, a form of expression of ideas and feelings conscious, congruent, direct and balanced.

  • It facilitates regulation and prevents the harmful impact of negative emotions in our environment and ourselves, avoiding episodes of anxiety or depression.

  • Increase our ability to enjoy events.

  • It facilitates the learning process and fills us with energy and curiosity.

We, as parents, are the basis on which children will build their emotional well-being thanks to physiological, cognitive and emotional tools. Knowing how to control emotions, manage them and use them with the right skill will allow us, will allow them, to face every day.

There are studies that indicate that positive emotions improve the immune system and help prevent diseases because they intervene in a decrease in pain, reduce blood pressure and decrease adrenaline levels associated with anxiety. On the contrary, poor emotional management can undermine health by reducing the defenses of the immune system. Are not enough reasons to ensure a good management of emotions in our children?

And not only when they grow up. It is important to foster their emotional intelligence since they are babies. As they grow and the world around them and within them expands, they can get to know him and get to know each other a little more: children learn to manage their emotions, little by little, with our support and support.

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | Toni and Tina, stories to manage children's emotions, The importance of educating girls in emotional intelligence, Three tips for the baby to develop his emotional intelligence: look at him, talk to him and react to his emotions 

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