The bus driver was the only one who gave the seat to a mother and her baby

Do you give up the seat on the bus when you are pregnant? If you take a baby, do they get up and invite you to sit down? Several times I hear mothers or future mothers complain about this, that they get on the bus and people become "Swedish." Come on, they look the other way or make them see that they don't see you, so you don't have to get up.

In Chile it seems that the problem also exists, because the bus driver, tired of seeing such a situation, finally decided to teach the passengers a lesson: He was the only one who gave the seat to a mother and her baby.

His name is Iván Saldaña and, on one of the trips he makes daily between Concepción and Penco, he decided to offer his seat to a mother who, standing, carried her baby in her arms before the passivity of the other passengers.

The situation was not resolved until a passenger decided to give her seat to the woman. Interestingly, the one that stood was not in the typical seats that should be occupied, preferably, by the elderly, pregnant, children or disabled.

Speaking to the press in his country, Saldaña said:

We are already bored of telling young people to demonstrate their education by giving the seat to older people. They sleep, they look outside, and if one tells them something, they answer that they paid for their ticket, but this is not a matter of money, but of culture and that is not taught in schools.

Does it happen to you? Don't you give up the seats? Because if something happens to you, there is something going wrong in our society and then we have to think a lot about how we are educating our children. What are we doing so extremely bad So that young people don't have a hint of empathy or compassion?

Video: Dance Moms: Bonus: Bus Drama Season 6, Episode 25. Lifetime (July 2024).