Breastfeeding the baby during its first year saves 600 euros

Breastfeeding your baby is the best, there is no doubt about that. It is also practical, comfortable and economical, because you do not have to buy artificial milk to feed your baby, it is produced by your own body.

The Cecu (Confederation of Consumers and Users) has made an estimate of what a family spends on milk cans and has concluded that breastfeeding the baby during its first year of life means a saving of 600 euros.

During the first twelve months a baby consumes about three cans of formula milk per month, at an average price of 16.66 euros. This adds up to some 50 euros per month, which multiplied by the twelve months of the year, is 600 euros.

The arrival of a new member to the family involves a series of expenses that the couple has to face during pregnancy and the first years of the child. Therefore, apart from the multiple benefits that breast milk has to offer, the economic motive, it can also be a good motivation to choose breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is a way to save. Just put the baby to the breast. You don't have to buy it, pack it or keep it. The milk of the tit is always warm and ready, available when the baby asks for it.