Breastfeeding without expiration date: until mother or child decide

I want to share an interesting video made by the support group La safor al pit that teaches us a little more about this wonderful phenomenon that is breastfeeding.

It focuses on various aspects of breastfeeding and especially the "how long", so it has been titled "Breastfeeding without expiration date", an ending that comes when the mother or the child so decides.

It has the participation of pediatrician José María Paricio, author of the book 'You are the best mother in the world' and creator of, a true expert who closely explains the true essence of breastfeeding.

We can also see testimonies of mothers and fathers talking about their own experience and about the role of man, that although he cannot breastfeed, he can provide the support and containment necessary for breastfeeding to work.

There is a very good section about breastfeeding in tandem and how mothers who breastfeed several children at the same time. Also about pregnant mothers who continue to breastfeed, something that seems unthinkable at times, but that can be perfectly.

Finally, the central theme of the video is addressed, prolonged breastfeeding. We can see mothers breastfeeding children of three or four years, and that is that there are no deadlines in this. As Dr. Paricio says "it is a business between two", if the baby wants and is at ease and the mother too, why not ?. Even when? The mothers are clear about it: until the child decides.

Video | Youtube

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