A slap is not an educational resource; On the other hand, when we learn to resolve conflicts, we also teach children

Parents show role models even when we think we are not educating explicitly, because children observe us and look at how we do things, at least during early childhood. And in fact the inconsistencies between the verbal and the corporal message are settled with points in favor of the second, or what is the same: 'yell at a child who doesn't stick while we cheat him' , lay the groundwork for me to do the same. And in this case it is to be angry with someone weaker and more vulnerable (even if it is punctual with a little brother).

The 'slap in time' is not an educational resource, even if there are still many people who defend it (there are even those who take advantage of being a public figure to transfer this type of advice to parents). In time for what? I wonder, but beyond my criticism, I want to present a video produced by FAROS, in which Mª Dolors Petitbò, head of the Psychology section at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, explains why a cheek or a spanking does not They serve the purpose we believe.

Thus, the adult who slaps, neither reflects on the situation that leads to losing control, nor has developed resources to deal with complicated situations, resulting in feeling overwhelmed

Mª Dolors tells us that children, especially younger children, do not have the same notion of time as we do, and that is the reason why a tantrum, a tantrum, lasts longer than we would have liked. Ending the situation with a blow will not only end with pain and frustration in the child, but probably with regret on the part of the father or mother.

Knowing how to resolve conflicts is giving children the opportunity to learn this. And on the other hand, when children develop in environments where violence has a lot of weight, it can lead to violent adolescents, even with their parents.

The solutions are not easy, but they say that 'the most difficult path is the safest.' In situations of conflict we should take distance, lower tension level, and from the calm look for exits that serve us in the moment, and as teaching for the future of our children. In this way we will not only feel better, but we will believe more in our possibilities, and we will make it easier for children to trust us more.

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Video: How Domestic Violence Impacts Children. Child Anxiety (July 2024).