Summer camps: how to know if our child is ready to sleep outside the home

There are few days left for school vacations, and then the colonies and summer camps for many children will begin. The offer of camps is very wide, and some also include overnight.

Whether in sleeping bags, tents, hostels or bungalows, the idea of ​​spending one or several days with friends outside the home is very attractive for many children, but it is inevitable that parents ask ourselves: Is my child really ready to sleep outside the home?

Lorena García Vega, pedagogue, Montessori guide and child and family educator, has given us the keys to find out, and thus succeed and enjoy this fun and enriching experience.

1. First of all, are we parents prepared?

Before analyzing whether or not our son is preparing to face an overnight camp outside the home, Lorena believes that parents should do the same reflection exercise first, because if we are not convinced, our children will not be either:

"As parents, we must be able to face those days of camp without distress or stress, fully trusting the organization and the monitors, as well as in the capacity and maturity of our son "

"Therefore, we must do an exercise in reflection and assess whether we are really convinced that our son will be fine, and if we believe that he will be able to solve small situations and face this experience autonomously."

"It is normal that during the previous days doubts or small insecurities appear on our part, but it is essential that our children transmit confidence and enthusiasm. It is unfair to transfer our fears"

2. Does our child want to attend this type of camp?

Summer camps are a fantastic option for children to enjoy with their friends, learn while having fun and exercise. Sometimes it is they who choose it because they know a friend who is also going, or because their tastes are focused on the theme of the camp in question.

In Babies and more Summer camps: how to choose the best one for my child

But other times, the camps respond to a parents need, who have no one to leave their children with in summer while they work. If this is your case, Lorena advises that the child always participates in the choice of his camp, and that parents always listen to their needs and preferences.

In this sense, if the child is reluctant to sleep outside the home, we should never force him to do so, although if the parents believe he is prepared, we can encourage him to do so, giving him confidence and security. But remember, one thing is to motivate and another very different, to force a situation.

3. Attend to your age

The age of the child is another important factor to consider, because although each child is unique and has a different maturation rate, this data is usually very indicative when it comes to knowing if our child may or may not be prepared to spend several days out of home.

In this regard, experts recommend wait for the elementary stage to opt for this type of camp, since from the age of six, the usual thing is that the child already controls sphincters perfectly at night, has a restful sleep and is aware of the implications of sleeping outside the home.

In addition, at this age it is very common that the children have already slept outside the house on some occasion, or even made an overnight trip at their school:

"Before our son goes camping several days away from home, it is recommended that he has lived similar experiences sleeping at home of family or friends. In this way, parents will know how it develops in these situations that, in a way, will even serve as training "

4. Autonomy and problem solving, keys to go to this type of camps

Once all the previous points have been analyzed, Lorena recommends look at the child's skills and abilities, as well as in its degree of autonomy.

In this way, it will be easier for parents not only to know if our child is ready to spend the night away from home, but also to choose the camp that best suits their tastes and needs:

"The greatest indicator of a child about his ability to spend the night away from home is not going to be so much his facility to adapt to new situations or to have a good competence as far as social skills are concerned, but that he will be closely conditioned to his degree of autonomy to face everyday life and be decisive in the small problems or difficulties that arise ".

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5. Trust, trust and trust

But without a doubt, the most important thing once we have made the decision to take our children to an overnight camp outside the house, is that parents have full confidence in our children and in the organizers of the camp.

That is why it is so important to inform you in advance and consult all the doubts we have, as well as visit the facilities and meet the team of monitors that will work with our children. Trusting in their professionalism, in their years of experience and in the ability to solve the unforeseen events that may arise, will help us to transmit to our children that same confidence and security, while they see their self-esteem strengthened.

In short, when it comes to knowing if our child is prepared to sleep outside the home, parents should not only look at their competencies and degree of autonomy, but also rely fully on him and the organization, and live the experience in a positive way. and relaxed.

Photos | iStock, Pixabay

Acknowledgments | Lorena García Vega - ConnectEmotions

Video: Tips for sending kids off to summer camp (July 2024).