Atopic families: the daily reality of atopic children and their families

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that affects no less than 30% of the child population. But not only does it affect the children who suffer from it, but it is a chronic condition that affects the whole family.

To teach how is the everyday reality of atopic children and their families, how is the day to day with the outbreaks, the anxiety caused by itching and the care they should have, the documentary has been released "Atopic Families".

Dermatitis appears when there is an alteration in the formation of the structure of the skin barrier, causing the skin of atopic people to become more dry and vulnerable to allergenic factors that pass through the dermis and cause inflammation.

In recent decades the number of cases with atopic dermatitis has increased significantly. Nowadays, one in three newborn children will develop the disease.

It mainly affects children. In 45% of cases, atopic dermatitis appears before six months of life, in 60% it appears before the year of life and in 85% before five years. Although it is estimated that in 70% of cases it disappears in adolescence.

It is a disease with which you can't let your guard down. Constant care to control symptoms is the basis of treatment, so creams that provide the skin's moisture barrier must be applied constantly.

On the occasion of the celebration of Atopic Dermatitis Day on November 28, the Association of Patients and Families with Atopic Dermatitis (ADEA) presented the documentary "Atopic Families" whose trailer we show you to show how is the daily reality of atopic children and their families.

Video: Adult atopic dermatitis is fraught with dermatologic comorbidities (July 2024).