The "irrationality" of having children, by Coca Cola

I do not usually comment on television commercials because it seems that you give publicity to the products, but this has made me so funny that I am sorry, without wanting to advertise Coca Cola, I had to put it because in just one minute they have managed to represent the irrationality of having children.

And I say irrationality because if you see the ad and you are a father you will see yourself reflected in many of the situations, if not in all. Life changes completely, the nights are not what it was, walks to sleep and end the child in bed and you sleeping on the tip, without knowing where to put the arm, or the leg.

Seeing you on the busy street, tired, wanting to get home and sit down, while others do those things that you did, like having a free time to go jogging (although everything has to be said, eventually those free time appear and you can do some things again).

See also how some of those things that really do not serve much, but that you keep with infinite affection, end up becoming your toys, and do not end up in the best conditions, realize immediately that the relationships are no longer what they were before, because the thing becomes difficult in many aspects, not having a moment of peace and tranquility to do those things that cannot be postponed, and then realize that these important documents have passed through the hands of your children and you suffer from finding them, in addition from the state they will be in.

And what about those days when, brave, you venture to walk barefoot at home and step on a piece of Lego ... if even Bill Murray himself talked about it a while ago on his Twitter when he said the following:

Women say childbirth is the most painful thing… obviously they have never stepped on a Lego.

Which translates as "Women say that giving birth is the most painful thing there is ... obviously they have never stepped on a Lego."

And all that to realize that having children seems most irrational, the weirdest thing, so much that, despite everything, one good day you find out that another baby is coming and far from crying (hey, there will be some too ... not everyone gets along so well), you are glad that you Life remains that way.

How is it possible that we are so irrational?

Because when you take stock you realize that positive things far outweigh negative ones. Everything that can be seen in the ad bothers us relatively. There are moments of anger, anger, despair and "I can not more", but despite this I would not change it for anything in the world, that is, I would not change to return to that time when I had no children, because you you do it, you get used to it and above all, you enjoy being a father and you know that those moments of the video, those anecdotes, are temporary.

One day they will grow and all this will stop happening. You can sleep all night, no one will destroy your most precious assets (which by the way, the day you die will not go beyond with you), you will have time to go running again and do those things you did years ago and you You want to recover, you can have privacy and time to be alone with your partner and a long etcetera. And I would almost say that all this will taste better, because having it as you had it before, you will value it more after a time of not being able to enjoy it.

And you will also have the good fortune to be able to explain to everyone, or to simply take it into account and talk with the couple, laughing, that not everyone likes to listen to your experiences as a father, all the anecdotes that one day you lived with the children. And in the future, of course, explain them to children at family meals, which is a classic.

Come on, that all this roll to say that I laughed a lot with the announcement, that I liked it a lot and that yes, sometimes I drink a Coca Cola, although my favorite drink is water.

Video | YouTube On Babies and more | Why is it so hard to have children ?, Having children gives happiness ?, "Having children puts a relationship to the test," interviews our Armando

Video: The Duck Song (July 2024).