Dads and moms blogs (CXCIX)

This first Tuesday of autumn, as we do every week, we will go into cyberspace to see what stories we can find in the moms and dads blogs of the network. Here we share new perspectives, reflections, experiences, experiences and advice left to us by other parents.

In the blog Maynet that as always brings interesting topics from the hand of their authors (Mª Cecilia, teacher and therapist; and Isabel, pediatrician) these days they talk about the first weeks of school, a topic of full relevance in many families, with tips to go well.

Precisely about the entrance to the school, various blogs tell us about their experience. South Mamita He tells us the first day of his girl in the nursery, about crying (own) and that feeling that time flies, from the positive in the pregnancy test ...

And more nursery in Life is not that complicated, where Pirata has started the period of adaptation, a longer period for the mother ... And sometimes it costs us more for the elderly than for the children. Much encouragement!

And continuing with the theme of back to school, in Diary of my pregnancy and motherhood We read that your girl does not want to go to school, and how has the adaptation of the first days, with bump included (and different versions to explain the same) and evenings in the park moviditas.

In the "pediatric outreach for fun" blog The incubator; My kingdom for a horse They talk to us about another hot topic these days, but of a very diverse nature: the chickenpox vaccine, the reasons for its withdrawal and the possible consequences, with very hard images of sequelae of the disease.

Veronica in Namaste Babies He summarizes one day with his daughter and how he learned to say "po pabó", please. A fun summary that arrives until the wee hours of the morning, when things are also kindly requested.

In Mobile World Capital Barcelona They talk to us about the class of the future, a little distant and I hope not for young children (and not so young), because it has made me think about technology and impersonality.

Finally, we can not stop commenting on a post that is having enough resonance and that comes from the blog in English A Magical Childhood from The Huffington Post and what can we read translated here: What should a four year old know? An interesting reflection on careers to arrive earlier and better, and what really matters.

We hope you enjoyed some of our review moms and dads blogs What is in cyberspace. Do not forget that if you have a blog where you share stories about your children or issues related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments or in our contact form your address so that we can take them into account.

Video: Embarrassing Beach Day - Summer Funny Skits - Miss Mom Vlogs : Sketch Comedy. GEM Sisters (July 2024).