Luckily, nests tend to disappear

Baby cribs lined up behind a glass in a hospital is an image that fortunately is falling into disuse. There is increasing awareness of the need for early contact of the newborn with his mother and luckily, the nests tend to disappear.

The nests or nurseries emerged decades ago, at a time when the birth rate was much higher than the current one and the organizational structure of the hospitals did not make it possible for every baby to be in the room with his mother. Over the years, things have changed.

It is no longer meaningful, and even counterproductive, for a baby to remain separated from his mother after birth. In the later hours, the birth of an imprint occurs between the two, which favors the emotional bond and the establishment of breastfeeding. Its place is next to it, in skin-to-skin contact, and not being in it causes physiological stress in the baby.

The Ministry of Health, through its Normal Delivery Care Strategy, has recommended since 2008 to eliminate hospital nests in order to improve the mother-newborn binomial. Gradually, in all Spanish hospitals, the nest rooms are no longer fulfilling their original function and are used for other practices.

The human being is the only mammal that experiences unnatural maternal-filial separation. The newborn needs only from his mother, the only one that can provide you with the heat, protection and food you need, whether you are a healthy baby, and even more so if you are a premature or sick baby.

Permanent contact with your mother regulates the baby's heart and respiratory rate, improves her immune system, reduces her stress levels and favors the onset of breastfeeding.

Luckily, nests tend to disappear. Mothers increasingly ask that their babies be with them in the room and it is the parents themselves who take care of the baby's first care.

Even some maternity units make it easier for them to bathe their babies for the first time and for medical tests performed in the first hours of life, such as the heel test, to be performed in the room where the baby can be with his mother and avoid him thus greater stress.

Via Opinion
Photo | Herkie
In Babies and more | In the nest, babies cry more, do the nests, nurseries or nurseries, do they serve anything ?, The newborn, in the room or in the nest?

Video: Chases and Trees. Critical Role. Campaign 2, Episode 65 (July 2024).