The Magi already have a web ... and Facebook profiles, do you want to know more?

The Magi have modernized and created their own website, and although they keep arriving on their camels, they know that tradition is not at odds with technology, and that many children will find it easier to write their letter online and send it via email.

But 'Connect with the Magi' also includes many surprise content, do you want to meet them? ... for example (I can't resist telling you), if you record yourself singing a version of Famosa's carol, you can opt for a contest whose prize is a trip Familiar to Paris. Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar have had the backing of one of the most prestigious toy and doll companies: Famosa. By registering on the site, your children can play the 'Royal Stable', choose their favorite Magic King, and even watch Famosa's star toys on video.

But the surprises are not over, because each of these dear characters has opened his own profile on Facebook, so we can add them and maintain direct contact with them to ask about gifts, discover family plans, or learn new and rich Christmas recipes.

I have no doubt that 'Connect with the Magi' will become one of the most visited websites in the coming months.

Video: Get REAL Facebook auto LIKES, & auto COMMENTS On FACEBOOK Photos & Status. Facebook Autoliker (July 2024).