Halloween, a good opportunity to help your child overcome their fears

Halloween night is a celebration long awaited by many children, a night to have fun, dress up and have fun. But not all children are amused by the idea of ​​terror surrounding the holiday.

Zombies, ghosts, monsters, vampires and witches are the most popular characters on this date, and of course, many children are scared. As parents we must accompany and support them in the face of their fears, therefore Halloween can be a good opportunity to help your child overcome their fears.

Fear in children

Fear is a natural reaction in children, it is part of the survival instinct and the evolutionary development of the human being. Therefore, it should not be seen as something negative or as if the child is a "doctor", much less make fun of him.

As parents, we must accompany them in the process and do what we can to support our children and help them overcome their own fears.

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There are times when children may feel more vulnerable, feel excessive fear for some story they told in school or something they saw on television. Also keep in mind that in the case of the little ones, they fail to distinguish between reality and fantasy at all, making their fears exacerbate.

How to help them face their fears?

With telling them "don't be afraid" or "it's not that bad" you won't get anything. The child feels fear and is not something you can avoid, what you can do is accompany him, provide you with a security environment To help you get over it.

The first thing to get is for the child to identify and put his emotions into words. By identifying what causes it so much fear we can focus and deepen it.

Asking questions is a good resource to guide children to find their own answers and realize that there is nothing to fear. "Have you ever seen a witch flying? Well, I've never seen one, they only exist in stories."

You can also look back. Your child will feel identified if you talk about your childhood fears. That will help you realize that we all feel fears, that it is normal and that it is possible to overcome them.

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Stories, books, movies and stuffed animals can serve as support tools to overcome fears. Also let it express itself through drawing or talk about fear through games. And of course, the time of Halloween is perfect to do it.

Why halloween?

It can be at any time of the year or when the child feels restless, of course, but Halloween gives us an ideal opportunity for the child to face fear and can differentiate what is reality from what is not. In fact on Halloween nothing is real, it's like a great game.

You can see the windows full of costumes and monstrous masks, which is nothing more than props to dress up and play that we are monsters and witches for a few hours. Seeing their parents disguise themselves, or seeing other children who are friends playing zombies or vampires helps keep fears away.

Also, on Halloween children can be in a controlled environment in which their parents feel safe together. They are not alone in the face of fear, we are there with them to protect them.

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In some cultures, the Day of All Saints, or Day of the Dead, is celebrated on this date, a good opportunity to talk about death with sincere information and words that they can understand, according to their age.

After three years, children begin to understand death as something temporary, from five to eight years they realize that it is irreversible and universal, and only after ten years are they really aware of it.

Video: Goodbye Monsters: . Airman Launches Book & Plush Toy to Help Children Overcome Fears (July 2024).