Is it possible to preserve our health from contaminants present in food and water?

I think it is very important that we have information about environmental pollutants that can affect our health, some of them reach our body through the air we breathe, others through food. We are all exposed to a greater or lesser extent, and I don't know to what extent we can completely avoid them.

And this is why I offer information from 'Pediatric Zone', which analyzes the possibility that the health of children and adults may be affected, as well as some tips to avoid these contaminants.

The human body absorbs larger amounts of chemical compounds every day through food and water.

Among the most serious pollutants are,

  • Chemists: antibiotics and hormones used in veterinary medicine; pesticides, chemical and biological components that are unintentionally introduced during the product handling or transformation phases, or that contaminate aquifer layers.

  • Additives: Some preservatives and flavorings are harmful.

  • Radioactive contaminants: as a cause of nuclear accidents.

The damages produced in the health are difficult to quantify, and in addition they will depend in any case of the pollutants, of the combination of them, of the time of exposure, even perhaps of individual factors.

Today it is quite clear that lead, mercury and arsenic safely cause negative effects (through accumulation in tissues or bones). Over time we will talk more clearly about the harmful effects of other metals such as aluminum, dioxins, or certain additives.

The law establishes maximum limits of contamination in food and water, but unfortunately they are calculated according to criteria that do not sufficiently protect children, who are the most at risk individuals. Fraud also occurs frequently, such as the use of pesticides in agriculture and antibiotics and other drugs in livestock

How can we protect our children?

First of all, it should be clarified that isolating oneself from the world is practically impossible, and it is also difficult to eat only organic vegetables or non-hormonal meats (mainly due to the price offered by these products).

Therefore we will look at the little things we can all do to preserve our health:

  • Buy fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables (and whenever possible from organic farming).

  • Eat fish a maximum of once or twice a week, limiting tuna to the maximum because it contains mercury and arsenic.

We fathers and human moms have options to partly prevent the accumulation of toxins in our children's bodies, we cannot isolate ourselves, but something can be done. This is not the case with other animals whose feeding is conditioned by the environment where they live, for example, whales can hardly avoid their babies coming into contact with the mercury present because they are present in water and marine organisms, due to industrial spills.
  • Whenever you have doubts about the drinkability of water, it is advisable to consume it bottled. And let us take into account the levels of chlorination with which the water intended for domestic consumption is treated, because there are times when it is drinkable, it would not be convenient to consume it.

  • Read the label of products for human consumption carefully before buying them, giving preference to those that do not include any or few additives.

  • Try a meal as varied as possible, so as not to accumulate preservatives of the same type in the body.

  • Wash the skin of fruits and vegetables well before consuming it, even when previously peeled.

  • And regarding the food preservation and preparation it is recommended not to use dishes or battery pieces that are intended for decorative purposes to serve meals; and not store fruit drinks or acidic foods in metal boxes.

It's very important pay attention to what we eat and drink, it is not easy to defend ours from dangerous substances, but if we make it a challenge we can avoid some of them.

Video: Disturbing Discovery Of Microplastics Inside Our Bodies (July 2024).