An autumn walk: we collect leaves

This weekend we have done an activity with the kids very fun and that has given a lot of play, more than we imagined in principle. We have proposed take an autumn walk to collect leaves, celebrating the entrance of the new station.

It is not necessary to live in the countryside, any town on the outskirts or in the green areas of the cities we can find a natural space in which to collect autumn leaves, step on them to feel the crunch under your feet and listen to that cric-crac so characteristic of this time of year.

It is incredible the great variety of autumn colors, a whole palette of tones with a predominance of browns and ocher. Children can choose the leaves that most attract their attention and keep them for later, if they wish, do a mural at home about autumn That will be a nice memory of this walk.

The leaves of the soil will take them to those of the trees, they will also want to know more about those leaves that do not fall and that maintain their green color. Maybe we will see some tree with delicious autumn fruits and other fruits and plants.

Surely we will notice the wind and the cool of autumn, we will play to follow the clouds and discover their forms, and it will be a great time to also look at other small inhabitants that populate our surroundings: the ants that keep their food, the spiders on their web and other insects, the birds that will soon leave and those that stay all year ...

In this area we do not have mushrooms or squirrels, but it may be possible to see these elements of flora and fauna so typically autumnal in your places of residence or nearby. What we did see was some nuts that fell from some trees that looked like acorns, which helped us talk about squirrels. We also remember that chestnuts will arrive shortly.

Definitely, an autumn walk to collect leaves It is much more than a walk, it is a highly recommended experience to enjoy with young children the colors and sounds of nature that, although often unnoticed, is there.

Video: The Ames Brothers - Autumn Leaves Full Album (July 2024).