International Youth Day: five keys for our children to become respectful and committed young people

Today we celebrate International Youth Day, a date chosen by the United Nations General Assembly to commemorate young people between the ages of 18 and 29, who are currently make up the largest generation in history.

Our children of today will be the youth of tomorrow, and in our hands it is to educate them in empathy and love towards others, to make them future tolerant and respectful young people with everything around them.

Our work as parents

We are parents of children who in a few years will become the youth of our society. Children who play carefree in the park today, but tomorrow will have to take on important challenges and accept responsibilities that will condition their lives.

When a child is born we must be aware that our way of raising him and the education he receives will not only affect his childhood, but will also form the basis of his way of being, thinking and acting in the future.

Therefore, it is important to educate them since they were little so that in the future they will be independent, free, happy and respectful young people. Young people involved in society, who actively participate in it and seek its progress.

Do we remember together the keys that will help you get there?

Self-esteem: how to strengthen it

The way we relate to our children and them We offer our support and trust is essential for your self-esteem: believe in them and their possibilities, communicate in a positive way, encourage them to face challenges and make decisions, and praise the successes and avoid always highlighting mistakes, are some of the keys we can follow to strengthen their self-esteem.

Recall that self-esteem is formed from an early age, so ** acting on it positively ** will help your psychological health in the future, since low self-esteem can cause psychological, somatic, affective, behavioral disorders ...

Value your effort and give them freedom to choose

Parents want the best for our children, and it hurts us to see them suffer or fail because of a bad decision. But we have to avoid falling into the error of doing everything for them, of overprotecting them and paving the way for them to find no difficulties, because if they will not grow up thinking that things are easily achieved and without the need for effort. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Doing everything possible to avoid failure is counterproductive for them, because we will not let them freedom to make your own decisions and learn from your mistakes, and because they will grow without knowing the value of the effort.

The capacity for effort and sacrifice must be developed day by day, turning behavior into habits and always trying to overcome a little more. Parents can help our children to understand the value of effort, not only by setting an example with our actions, but by putting into practice a series of keys that we have already spoken to you on occasion.

Educate in equality, tolerance and respect

It is important to instill our children since childhood that we are all the same, regardless of our sex, social status, race, religion ... And the best way to teach them is through example, because As we treat others, it will be the basis of the treatment they give to other people in the future.

Therefore, we must become aware of our actions and teach them that although there are behaviors that are especially admitted and extended in society, they are not morally acceptable and among all we must correct them. This occurs, for example, with certain sexist behaviors, so entrenched that we sometimes reproduce without realizing it, thus helping to perpetuate them over time.

Remember that Empathy is the queen of all relationshipsWithout empathy there can be no real relationship. We, as parents, should start teaching empathy from practice, putting ourselves in the place of our children to understand them and always treat them with respect.

Through the positive upbringing and respectful, sensitive and empathetic treatment we give them, they will learn to treat others equally.

And in this section we should not forget about also instill respectful treatment towards other living beings that they share with us the planet, and to teach them to take care of our environment through a series of habits that we can start putting into practice from home, with simple and daily gestures that will contribute to respecting the environment.

Foster communication

The Communication with children is key to establishing a positive, supportive and trustful relationship with them., and to avoid future problems.

Experts insist on importance of talking to our children every day since they are young; dedicate time to know their problems and express ours, helping them, not only to understand and express their emotions, but to develop the ability to empathize with others.

But good communication with them will also help them learn to listen, to respect their turn of speech, to debate with respect and to negotiate. Why it's not about imposing our criteria, but to make them see that in life there are many ways of thinking, and all are valid as long as they express themselves with respect.

In addition, we will also be sending them the message that their opinions interest us and that together we can reach agreements that benefit us all.

Sex education

And among the conversations we have with our children should also be those related to sex, as a correct sex education since childhood It is key, not only to prevent teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases or sexual abuse, but also to live sex in a healthy, responsible, respectful and safe way.

That is why it is so important to talk with our children since they are young with total transparency and naturalness, and continue to maintain that communication also in adolescence. Clarify the doubts that are presented according to their age, never lie to them and give them confidence so that they can find in us the answers to their concerns.

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In Babies and More Educating without shouting it is possible if you propose: eight keys to educate your children without shouting, 15 positive phrases to tell your children that they will strengthen their self-esteem, Seven keys to foster in your children the value and importance of effort

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