Amniochip: new prenatal technique that allows 150 genetic syndromes to be detected

Just presented a new prenatal diagnostic technique developed by Genetadi Biotech called Amniochip that allows 150 different genetic syndromes to be detected.

The amniocentesis technique is improved by focusing on three important points where the conventional one falters: it has a greater sensitivity, detects a greater number of syndromes, including malformations and idiopathic mental retardation that are not detected with a conventional karyotype, and The results are obtained in just 48 hours compared to two or three weeks of the other, since it does not require a cell culture.

The procedure for sampling is the same as for a conventional amniocentesis. A needle needs to be inserted into the uterus to collect the amniotic fluid to be analyzed. That is to say, to continue being invasive is a test with risks that supposes a possibility between 200 that an abortion or complications in the pregnancy takes place.

Amniochip It is based on a technology of microarray or "genetic chips of genomic hybridization" (terms that ordinary people do not understand, but it is a complex system of identification of genetic alterations) and has a diagnostic resolution 100 times greater than the techniques of usual chromosomal study.

Amniocentesis is a prenatal test that is performed between the 12th and 16th week of gestation in case of suspected chromosomal abnormalities and is usually a routine test in pregnant women over 35 years old, although parents have the right to decide if they want to perform it or not .

This new prenatal technique called Amniochip It will be carried out through a medical prescription by the gynecologist or obstetrician to pregnant women over 35 years of age, couples with a family history of genetic syndromes or with previous spontaneous abortions and pregnant women with triple positive marker or with ultrasound suspicions of malformations.

Promises to be an effective way to detect a greater number of genetic abnormalities. As a technological advance it seems to be a success, however, non-invasive diagnostic techniques are also very advanced. Although its high costs prevent so far they can reach all pregnant women consist of extracting a sample of fetal DNA through a simple sample of blood from the mother without any risk.

In any case, having an amniocentesis is a very personal decision that has to be taken responsibly and based on real information.

Video: Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever CRISPR (July 2024).