Calculate your fertile days on the mobile phone

Lately we have given you many clues to know what are the fertile days to get pregnant, an issue that is not always as easy as it might seem, and that makes it difficult to achieve pregnancy. If you want know what your fertile days are on the mobile phone, there is a payment application that calculates those optimal days to conceive a baby.

As we read on the web, it is a calculation made from the last menstrual cycle of women, that is, indicating the data referred to the last rule (as we know, this can lead to erroneous data, if we have irregular cycles) .

To obtain the fertile days you must select the duration of the menstrual cycle (from 21 to 35 days) and write the date of the last rule. From there, to obtain the result we have to enter our mobile phone number (there is a list of compatible terminals).

The downside is that, as we have advanced, the service is not free but This fertility calculator is a paid subscription service which offers us the result of fertile days and "related content".

That is, we will pay for messages received (about ten SMS per week, each for € 1.42 plus the cost of wap navigation of the computer), and if we want to cancel the service we must unsubscribe as indicated on the web.

If we want to do the same calculation at home and for free (with all the probabilities of error existing) we will have to divide the duration of our menstrual cycle by two (for example, 30 days days divided by two results 15) and that resulting day, together with its two predecessors and four or five following (approximately from day 13 to day 18 of the cycle that I give as an example) will be the most conducive to achieve pregnancy.

Here you can consult conditions and terms of use of this service that calculates your fertile days on the mobile phone, and once known just put let's do it.

Official Site | Splash
In Babies and more | What will my son be like? Make my baby, What are my fertile days, How to increase the chances of pregnancy, How many times you have to make love to get pregnant

Video: Female fertility animation (July 2024).