SpongeBob Birthday Cake Recipe

Last month was the birthday of my two children, so we did (Miriam did) a birthday cake for both of us, with SpongeBob as the protagonist. The cake was a success for both children and adults, so just in case anyone wants to do it at home I leave you with the recipe.

The cake itself doesn't have much secret. It is a cake covered with fondant, so, although here I put a recipe for the cake, you can use your own (the one you like). On this occasion, the recipe is for Thermomix and the chocolate cake (it tasted great).

Sponge cake ingredients

  • Four eggs
  • 200 gr. of sugar
  • 150 gr. sunflower oil
  • 200 gr. from chocolate powder to cup
  • 200 gr. cream (a small brick)
  • 1 small spoonful of vanilla sugar
  • 200 gr. Of flour
  • 1 sachet of yeast


We put the butterfly in the thermomix, the eggs and the sugar inside the glass and we program 5 minutes at 37ºC, with speed 3 1/2.

Once the 5 minutes have passed, we program 3 more minutes at the same speed, this time without temperature to make it spongy.

Add the oil and mix everything for 10 seconds to 3.

We add the chocolate powder and the cream. and mix it 15 seconds to 3.

We add vanilla sugar, flour and yeast. We mix it for 15 seconds at 2 1/2. We took out the butterfly and just mixed with the spatula.

We put the whole mixture in a rectangular mold previously buttered and put it in the oven about 40 minutes at 180 ° C (although it depends a little on the oven).

Once finished and already cold, we cut the cake in half, wet with syrup and put chocolate cream (Nocilla or Nutella, so that it is a central layer that gives it more flavor).


The syrup is a great resource to give the biscuits a damp touch (since the biscuits alone are usually a bit dry). To make the syrup we need:

  • 300 gr. of sugar
  • 300 ml of water
  • 1/2 lemon juice (optional)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
  • A little liquor (optional)

And it is prepared as follows:

We put water, sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon in the thermomix glass. We program 15 minutes at 100ºC and speed 2.

If you want to add liquor, you add it at the end (in our case it was not put, because it is intended for children). If you want the syrup to thicken, leave it longer.

Putting the fondant

The fondant can be made at home, although for this occasion we bought it already made. It comes in the form of a brick, so you have to knead it to get a sheet of a similar density at all points (about 5 millimeters), which is what will cover the cake.

There are several sites where it can be found for sale. In case you do not find it, we buy it in EnJuliana (it is enough with a packet of each color).

We are taking the different colors, we knead them and we are putting them on the cake. To make it well adhered we have used condensed milk (you can also use dulce de leche, for example). With yellow we make the skin of sponge Bob and with the rest of the colors his shirt, pants, tie, eyes, mouth and so on to decorate everything.

We take a piece of yellow fondant and make a “churrillo” that will be the nose of our protagonist (finally the long hours of our childhood are modeling us modeling modeling clay).

Once finished we take some kitchen utensil with the round handle (or whatever you can think of) and make the holes of sponge Bob pressing lightly on the fondant.

And that's it. Bon Appetite!

Nothing fridge

An important thing to keep in mind and that is contrary to what is usually done with cakes is that the cake can't go in the fridge Because fondant and cold are not good friends. This means that the cake cannot be decorated or filled with anything that needs cold (whipped cream, cream, etc.).

I leave you with another photo of the cake and one of the cut:

Video: How to Easy Decorating SpongeBob Cake (July 2024).