Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

As every week, we review the contents that have interested us in the Internet world regarding moms and dads blogs.

Yesterday I discovered a fun post about the "Preferences" that pregnant women have, in the Diary of a “modern” super mom. It refers to the privileges granted to us due to our state, which may not compensate for other "inconveniences" such as many insolent phrases that we have to hear.

In "Life for weeks" Esther finally has a moment to tell us the story of the birth of her baby, an exciting moment that knows how to move in a very fun and fun way.

In the blog Paula and her things we have an interesting reflection on "Conciliation and guilt", about how many moms feel when we have to leave our children and go to work. The concept of conciliation, which should really make the family's attention compatible with work, occupies these lines and gives us what to think.

For its part, in Diary of a pediatrician mother The doctor explains, apart from that she has dealt with the flu. These days (she, her patients and her family), a great “Empower the value of effort”, which summarizes the main points of a conference offered by the philosopher Francesc Torralba . In short, analyze the contradiction that the effort means is a value in decline today, and yet it is necessary to achieve anything.

Finally, I comment that in "Family Experience", a blog written from Colombia and dedicated to their children, we find the interesting experience of the mother with Baby-comp, a natural family planning device, based on taking the basal temperature.

We hope this tour has been enjoyable. We return next week with the most interesting of other moms and dads blogs!

Video: When Dad surprises Mum for their wedding anniversary (July 2024).