Spanish children may live less than their parents

Sadly and although Spain is the 8th world economic power, The current generation of children may be the first in history who, in peacetime, lives less than their parents. As reported in the presentation of the study 'Food, consumption and health' organized by the La Caixa Foundation, Spain is the third developed country in rate of obese children (15%) after the United Kingdom and the USA (30%).

The doctor and expert in childhood obesity Javier Aranceta said that "a person between 12 and 15 years old who has obesity develops risk factors that point to premature death".

The fear of experts is that being overweight and its consequences cannot be treated as another disease and affirm that A health approach is not enough because social factors are decisive. This is all the actors at stake:

  • Pressures from the food industry (although in some cases I think we could clearly say edible industry)
  • School canteens that do not always give the size
  • Sedentary
  • Excess consumption of TV and video games
  • Absence many hours from both parents of the home: it implies a high consumption of fast and elaborate food, lack of references for your children, hungry emotional, etc.
  • Virtual Mediterranean Diet and excess of sugary products, pastries, sausages and soft drinks
  • Hedonism misunderstood and lack of personal effort: "There is a hedonistic consumption. We do not eat the healthiest, but what we like"the experts said
  • Insufficient or ineffective official policies

The report also explains that the children who weighed less than 3.5 kilograms at birth or those who received breastfeeding in the first three months of life have lower obesity rates, as do those who consume Fruits and vegetables or make a full breakfast.

I'm glad that brave experts reach the same conclusion as the mothers of Atapuerca: tit first and healthy food after No need for artificial supplements and very rare names.

Should we start question our development and civilization model at the root? Because not only will we bequeath to our children a world in an unfortunate state (ecologically and warily speaking) but they may live less than us.

We recently said that half of the children born today will reach 100 years. But that is not so clear and depends mainly on us: the parents.

Let's do it.

Video: Here's What Your Baby Will Look Like (July 2024).