Prejudices for eating, Indian castes and child hunger

Surely any of us would enjoy the food made by a person of black, white, oriental, Arab or race that was, few prejudices we would have if they were known ingredients and also hygiene in culinary forms will be present. A sample of this are the different types of restaurants in our country.

However, in a country where misery is the order of the day, such as India, the food can be perfectly rejected if whoever prepared it turns out to be of a lower caste, as we know, Hindu society is established by caste. Precisely in that country this situation has occurred, the parents of several children who attend school prohibit their children from eating anything that can be cooked and offered by someone who is of lower caste in school canteens. The government of the country tries to get the poorest families to take their children to schools so that they can study and be capable people with more opportunities tomorrow, for this, the school canteens provide food for free.

A good number of children receive, thanks to this initiative, the necessary education since they are very young, they are attracted by the free food system in the dining rooms. But it is outrageous that in the face of such misery and hunger absurd principles may prevail, according to distant times that no longer have a place. What can be said about parents who at the expense of their principles or beliefs can veto food for their children?

For many children this is the only food they can enjoy throughout the day, there are two serious problems, discrimination against adults and the result of this action, something that children must pay.

Video: Law of the Land - Caste Conflicts & their implications (July 2024).