The key birth rate to reduce global warming?

According to researcher Santiago Grisola, the efforts made against climate change are of no use if the birth rate is not stopped. The explanation of this scientist is simple, to more people, more amount of energy used and therefore, greater contribution to global warming.

We agree that birth control should be controlled in those countries that show uncontrolled growth, but it is also true that it is precisely those countries that spend less energy because of the lack of technological means. The countries that actually make an excessive expenditure of energy are precisely those in which the birth rate is in decline and where formulas are sought to increase it. In our opinion, the investigation of environmentally friendly energy alternatives is the most appropriate solution. Birth and especially, the figures given in developing countries is a separate issue that, whether or not climate change exists, must be solved. In addition, each country has its peculiarities and should be analyzed in depth, for example, we have countries such as Ethiopia, a high birth rate and also a high infant mortality rate, energy resources are hardly consumed by the population, if they do not even have eat…

In short, if we want our children to enjoy the Earth and the benefits it offers, respectful energy resources are a fundamental issue that can improve the heritage we provide them. Birth should be controlled for a thousand reasons, but it will not be precisely responsible for aggravating a climate change that began years ago and that is practically the responsibility of those countries with poor birth rates.

Video: Overpopulation The Human Explosion Explained (July 2024).