How to control what your child does on the Internet

The popularity of the Internet is more than remarkable and many children begin at a young age on the Internet, helped mostly by their parents.

And as parents, our first task is to educate children about the possible existing risks by the large amount of inappropriate content that the network can present. One thing must be clear, sooner or later the child can end up accessing those inappropriate places, and much more if we leave them alone, since great allies will take care of it, curiosity and eagerness to know.

Ads, links, intrusive advertising, pop-ups ... are grouped in pages that at first glance seem really innocent, avoiding possible and future problems is really simple. There are various tools or utilities able to filter the contents, but there is also the so-called Parental control, a resource with which access to certain web pages will be managed. In addition to being able to obtain various tools depending on the internet server we have, such as, for example, Kangaroo Net of Telefónica or the Sentinel of ONO, we can also use our own web browser, for example, whoever has Explorer, can access the menu of browser options and generate a list with the web addresses that will be allowed and another with the restricted web addresses to safeguard children.

Surely those who could best explain to us the steps that should be performed in the various browsers with parental control, would be our companions of Genbeta, specialists in all issues related to software and internet.

There are several options, veto the child's desire for learning is not recommended, so the best solution is to guide him.

Video: Apps Can Track Teens Web History, Texts, Phone Calls, Location. TODAY (July 2024).