The importance of vision controls

Recent news indicates that one in four school-age children has a vision problem that has not been diagnosed.

That's why ophthalmologists warn the importance of periodic reviews of the baby between 6 and 9 months, at two and four years in order to control if the child could suffer from a vision disorder.

Given that there are so many children with vision problems that are not diagnosed, insist your pediatrician to do a check of their eyes at the usual controls.

Also control your child yourself. If you notice signs such as winking too much, that you get too close to books, that you rub your eyes frequently, or notes that have them reddened, go to the doctor.

Specialists insist on revisions because bad vision is one of the most frequent causes of school failure.

If you are already able to read, if you skip a line or do not understand the text well, as well as if it comes out when coloring, it becomes distorted when you write or you get distracted very easily, you also consult with a specialist.

Maybe you have nothing, but as always, it is better to prevent. Well, they are disorders that are corrected with glasses or lenses, which if left untreated can affect the “normal” lifestyle of the child.

Video: China's Lesson On Capital Controls w Olivier Desbarres. Expert View. Real Vision (July 2024).