Campaign to finance the decoration of the pediatric unit of La Paz Children's Hospital

We find the solidarity campaign organized by the Carrefour Solidarity Foundation to be able to raise money with the intention of finance the decoration of the pediatric unit of La Paz Children's Hospital. To do this you have to buy a DVD of the movie Invaders Neighbors in any of the supermarkets that the Carrefour group has in Spain, the money will be used to finance part of the Paint a Smile project that has the title, “Give a smile to hospitalized children with Invading Neighbors. ”

Saint a Smile is a foundation that tries to create pleasant places and stays inside hospitals to try to reduce the anxiety that these centers cause in children, stays that are associated with physical and mental pain. The funds raised will be used to create a welcoming environment in the unit that we have mentioned before. Up to 4,000 children will benefit from the campaign and enjoy a warmer and more welcoming environment than what they currently offer, simply cold and impersonal.

Giving a pleasant atmosphere is paramount, a children's hospital should not be a dreary and sober place. Now we remember the work done by a group of people with artistic and psychosanitary training who are called The Smile Doctors and whose mission is to try to alleviate as much as possible the sufferings of children who are hospitalized.

Apart from this, we will say that Spanish Health should worry a little more about giving warmth to children's hospitals, since it is a question that serves to improve the quality of life and predispose a speedy recovery of the little ones, since not everything heals the drugs.