Egg Allergy

In the feeding of the baby the egg is usually introduced at 12 months of age. When a child is allergic to this food, they usually have a reaction on the first dose.

The signs of the allergic reaction begin with the skin around the mouth, it becomes red and even hives may appear, starting first on your face and spreading throughout the body. Some children may suffer breathing difficulties.

We must look at the baby since often, he totally rejects the food, this may already be a symptom, so we must remove it and go to the doctor.

Children who are diagnosed egg allergy, they cannot be given in any way. Not fried, not just the yolk or the white, not even in minimal quantities. Therefore we must read the labels of the elaborated products that we use for their food. But be careful, some products carry egg without identifying it on the label, you will ask why, in the case of Spain, the legislation allows not to declare the ingredients used in small proportions.

The best thing you can do then, is to contact the Spanish Association of Parents and Children Allergic to Food, here they have lists of brands that usually harm allergic children.

Video: Should I get the flu shot if I have an egg allergy? (July 2024).