Is cleaning with bleach safe for children?

Lye is one of the most effective and used disinfectants in the world, but many parents doubt whether to use it at home for fear of harm to children. However, properly used, bleach is one of the safest disinfectants on the planet. We tell you what are the benefits of cleaning and disinfecting with bleach and how to take the necessary precautions for a responsible use of this product.

What is bleach?

Lye or sodium hypochlorite is the chemical compound that is obtained by circulating electric current through a solution of common salt (sodium chloride), like the one we use for our salads. At the end of this process, known as electrolysis, sodium hypochlorite is born, a very effective product for bleaching or disinfecting. Therefore, bleach is an "activated" form of common salt. And once it has fulfilled its function, it returns to the environment where it degrades in a few minutes, turning back into salt.

Bleach at home

Lye, whenever a responsible use is made of it, is a totally safe and necessary product within our home. Although invisible, bacteria such as salmonella, or fecal germs are widely distributed in our homes. The areas of the home that are most susceptible to contamination are usually in our kitchen and bathroom. They are usually kitchen sponges and scourers, drains, wet towels, toilets and door knobs. For example, in a wet and dirty dishcloth there can be up to a million germs ... per square centimeter!

Some myths about bleach

  • Lye can be used on almost all surfaces and household items. You can wash with diluted bleach, such as Estrella, stainless steel, natural or artificial stone countertops, parquet, wooden surfaces and marble. And disinfect with it any object that may have been contaminated as sponges, cloths, cutting boards or tuppers.
  • It does not spoil the clothes. Neutrex, for example, contains fibroprotectors that protect tissues, so your clothes last longer. It can be used for your white or light colored garments of cotton and synthetic fabrics. You can also use it to disinfect your baby's clothes with her. You should only avoid its use in delicate garments such as silk, wool or nylon.
  • Does not emit fumes. Lye does not pose a risk to our health or that of our children if used properly and responsibly. It should never be mixed with any cleaning product, and especially not mixed with acid products such as antical or ammonia. Blending bleach with these products generates vapors.
  • Bleach and skin. Diluted bleach can come into contact with our skin during soaking of clothes or during cleaning surfaces, such as the kitchen or the toilet, without generating any problem. The particular smell that remains in our hands after the use of bleach is due to traces of compounds that are generated when the bleach is combined with the proteins of the dead layers of our epidermis. The smell disappears on its own relatively quickly.

Multiple positive properties for cleaning and disinfection. Even when there are children at home

Lye is a safe and necessary product in our homes. Once its false harmful properties are demystified, there are several compelling arguments to keep cleaning and disinfecting with bleach inside your home:

  • Cleaning and disinfection assured. Lye is an effective disinfectant to act against germs of all kinds on almost any surface, material and object, as we have seen. At the domestic level, its use is especially recommended to disinfect the areas and utensils that we use in food handling and as a bathroom cleaner.
  • Neutralizes and eliminates allergens. We always associate bleach with disinfection without thinking about the benefit when eliminating the main agents that cause allergies in the home, such as pollen, mold, pet hair and dust mites. With children, we have to think that some toys, like stuffed animals, are a nest of mites ... Therefore, it is convenient that you wash them weekly, especially if the child sleeps with them! You can do it in the washing machine, with a little of your detergent. Before doing so, check the label if you can machine wash it. Also in wet areas, such as the bathroom, the presence of mold It is another risk factor since its spores can cause outbreaks of asthma and other respiratory diseases, especially in the smallest.

  • Stop cross contamination. Cross contamination is when germs are transmitted from a contaminated surface to some food. To avoid this, disinfect the kitchen countertop, cutting boards, scourers, dishcloths, tuppers, etc. with bleach.

  • Eliminates bad odors. The remains of food in a state of decomposition are the main cause of domestic odors and a clear indication of the presence of bacteria. Lye is a good solution for cleaning, disinfecting and eliminating root odors.

  • Whitening par excellence. Bleach is very effective in returning whiteness to clothing. In addition, it is an excellent stain remover that helps dissolve difficult stains in the white wash of the little ones. Like juices, fruits or milk, which effectively eliminates even in cold water.

  • Respectful with the environment. And, in addition to the practical reasons, it turns out that the bleach is respectful of the environment. Surely it's something you didn't think about! It is extracted from the common salt and, once it has fulfilled its function, it goes to the sewer and becomes again in a few minutes again in salt, closing its life cycle naturally.

Precautions to use bleach safely, especially with children

Lye has been used domestically throughout the world for centuries due to its cleaning properties. We have already seen that it should not be mixed with other cleaning products such as ammonia. It is also important to separate laundry from laundry, differentiating light colors from dark colors, the latter can be damaged by the great bleaching power of bleach. In a house with children, these considerations must also be taken into account:

  • Do not leave within reach of the smallest No cleaning product. It is best to store them on high shelves. Never hide them behind the toilet bowl, however inaccessible it may seem! You can also secure the drawers or doors where you store cleaning products with devices that are specifically designed for it.

  • Do not refill bottles or containers with bleach. However obvious this may seem to you, after a while you can lose the reference of what it contains and cause confusion. By keeping the bleach in its original container, you will avoid being swallowed by mistake or end up being misused.

Images | iStock / Lisa5201 / Wavebreakmedia / FamVeld / & # 169 AnikaSalsera.

Video: Keeping Kids Safe, Cleaning Tips (July 2024).