Babies who bothered politicians (well, Donald Trump)

Politicians' relationship with babies is usually fluid and calm, especially if politicians are campaigning and there are cameras in front. Being photographed with a baby in his arms or kissing him makes the popularity of the politician among the voters rise like the foam.

This changes when the politician is Donald Trump. To the Republican candidate for the presidency of the United States, a baby's cry interrupted his speech in the middle of the campaign and although he first said it didn't bother him, he immediately changed his mind and asked the mother to take him from the rally.

The only case we have found in which a baby, in front of the cameras, It bothered a politician, well, Donald Trump.

We have seen kisses and achuchones, pinches on the cheek that pretend to be affectionate in foreign babies by politicians when they are campaigning.

We have seen even babies of the politicians themselves in the Congress of Deputies, accompanying their mother to promise their position. Like Carolina Bescansa's baby on the first day of the last term.

We have seen even colleges own children of candidates, somewhat older by the comments they make in front of the microphones.

What we had not seen until now was that a campaign candidate expelled a baby from an electoral act for crying, it is evident that he was losing the thread of his speech. The candidate is Donald Trump and although he started taking iron away from it because of the cameras in front of him, in the end ... he couldn't or did not want to avoid it.

“Do not worry about the baby. I love babies. ”

At first Republican candidate Donald Trump, as any other politician would have done instead, tried to empathize with the mother that he had gone to listen to the rally he was giving in Virginia and that he tried unsuccessfully to calm his son's tears.

Two minutes of crying were enough of the little one so that Donald Trump again lost the thread of the speech he was giving to his followers, which was more than enough to change the mind of the candidate. To reassure the mother, she went on to indicate that she better go with her child and the cries from this to another part.

"Actually I was just kidding, you can take this baby out of here." It seems he was just kidding with the "don't worry" he had said before, it is obvious.

“It seems to me that in reality she has believed that I like that there is a baby crying while I speak. That's fine. People do not understand. It's okay."

Perhaps it is not that they do not understand the jokes of the Republican candidate, perhaps what people do not understand is that they can disturb the crying of a baby up to that point.

It is understandable that the crying of a baby at our side worries us and makes us try to comfort him and if it is our own baby even more, of course.

What is difficult to understand is that someone in a place where there are thousands of people may be disturbed by both the crying of a baby and to be in need of expelling the baby and his own mother from the place. Perhaps that is what it costs to understand a candidate for the presidency of a country.

Video: Trump Baby blimp prepares for takeoff: 'fragile, like the president's ego': (July 2024).