When breastfeeding is not for the baby: a woman leaves her job to breastfeed her boyfriend every two hours

Until recently what I knew for induced breastfeeding It was only applicable to babies. Adopted babies for whom the adoptive mother prepares for months to be able to produce milk and feed her when she is born, or to induce breastfeeding again to relate the baby after having left it for a while.

But for some women the breasts are not only to feed the baby, but also to their partners. I was surprised to learn that one of the most popular searches on the Internet in some countries such as India is "how to breastfeed my husband", which reveals a great interest of men to be breastfed by their wives and of them, to breastfeed to your partners One of them is Jennifer Mulford, a 36-year-old woman who induces breastfeeding every two hours to breastfeed her boyfriend.

Erotic Lactation

Apparently it is more common than we think, or what is disclosed. A while ago the model Mireia Canalda said she breastfed her baby and her partner at the same time. There are those who do it out of curiosity, to discharge the woman's breasts when she needs relief while breastfeeding her baby and others simply because it causes them pleasure, without the need for a baby involved.

It is what is known as'Erotic breastfeeding 'or' Adult Breastfeeding Relationship ' (Adult Breastfeeding Relationship in English), an erotic relationship in which the woman breastfeeds her partner.

And when there is no baby?

When the mother is breastfeeding her child, by sucking the baby on a regular basis, the brain activates the production of two hormones involved in breastfeeding: the hormone prolactin, responsible for milk production, and oxytocin responsible for the output of milk

But what happens when there is no baby to suck? For the breasts to produce breast milk they must be stimulated every two or three hours, even during the night to "cheat the brain" as if there were a baby, just as a mother does after giving birth.

It is important not to cut the cycle so that milk production is maintained and not cut. That is, you can not be something else, as happens to a recent mother with her baby. In order to breastfeed her boyfriend, Jennifer He left his job to always be available.

Since 20 years have passed since she was a mother, there is no longer a baby who contributes to milk production. Nor is it his intention to have a child at the moment. Yours is a relationship with a purely sexual connotation. It also uses drugs that help milk production, but the essential thing is regular stimulation. Every time he does "he is tempted to have sex," he says.

Breastfed men in art

"Roman Charity", Pedro Pablo Rubens (1612)

The thing about men being breastfed is a scene relatively common in art. In this picture of Rubens known as "Roman Charity" or "But and Cimon" you can see a young woman offering her chest to an old man who is preparing to suck it. In this case It has nothing to do with the erotic, but represents the young Roman But breastfeeding her father Cimon, imprisoned and about to starve.

Video: Attaching Your Baby at the Breast Breastfeeding Series (April 2024).