The controversial Russian law by which women who do not abort could sell their babies to the state

A few days ago we explained the curious story of a man who at one time in his life decided to take care of the babies of those women who had decided to abort them but who eventually gave birth to them, in case at any time they came back for them or simply because I felt I should do it for them, for the children.

In Russia they have not reached that point, but to a slightly different one promoted by the same government, with money in between and, therefore, with much more controversy added. Today we explain what it is the controversial Russian bill whereby women who do not abort could sell their babies to the state.

Babies cost $ 3700

In Russia, as in many other countries, they believe that birth rates could be better, and given that situation, they have decided to consider babies not born by abortions as a possible solution. Obviously they don't do it just for that, or that they explain, and that is that the bill has the purpose of give children "the chance to live". For this, as we read in RT, it has been contemplated that Russian women who decide to sell their babies to the government, instead of aborting, will perceive $ 3700 As a reward.

With this measure, they expect that about 200,000 women who would intend to abort choose not to do so in exchange for that benefit, after which they would deliver the baby to the government. And nowadays, only 20% of women who wish to have an abortion end up having the baby.

And why not promote having babies the ones they want?

I don't know if you think like me, but it's about a law that promotes unwanted births; that is, those women who want to abort because they do not want to be mothers will have a baby because from the government they are encouraged to do so by paying them no less than 3700 dollars.

This will cause many women to have their children and give them to the state (maybe some will eventually keep it, but most will give it up) and although the birth rate will increase, it will be at the expense of a lot of babies that aren't really wanted, and that other people must take care of.

Why not give that money in the form of help to all the families that do want to have more children but do not have them because they do not have a stable job or because they are not sure how they are going to keep it? Because that's the way most families are doing today, in Russia and everywhere, having fewer children than they would have liked because of work and economic instability.

Video: The Planned Parenthood controversy over fetal body parts, explained (July 2024).