The incredible journey of an adoptive mother and her son to see their biological parents before they go blind

A few days ago I really enjoyed explaining the exciting, but sad at the same time, story of a family that was adopting very sick babies and today I will tell another incredible story, equally the result of children's illness, which is always hard to talk about it, of an adventure initiated by a woman, adoptive mother, who has decided that he will do the possible and the impossible for get your child to know their biological parents before losing their vision completely.

Molly Sano's story

The protagonist of today is Molly Sano, a natural woman from Seattle, adoptive mother of a child of Chinese origin called Bennett. Last December he was given the terrible news that his son suffers from Usher syndrome, a genetic disorder whereby those who suffer from it suffer from deafness and end up having serious visual problems, sometimes to the point of reaching blindness.

Given this news, Molly did not think about it, and despite the fact that her son is only 3 years old, he decided that he had to meet his biological parents before time passes and the vision is worse.

For it he has traveled more than 9,000 kilometers, from Seattle to Shanghai, hoping to find them. In the words of the mother herself to China Daily:

We hope you can see your biological parents with your own eyes, so you can have special visual memories of them before you lose your sight.

And it is that the syndrome is quite variable in terms of the time of onset of blindness, but it is considered that night blindness reaches them between 3 and 16 years, the loss of visual field between 4 and 16 years (continue to see clearly, but only one part, be it the center of the image, either in donut vision, losing the center) and the loss of visual acuity between 4 and 28 years.

Come on, that at best it would happen after 16 years, but at worst it would all start at 3-4 years. Anyway, it depends a lot on evolution and the doctors told him that everything would probably happen after adolescence.

He didn't want to wait for him to ask

Many will think that she still has room, that it is a few years and that there was probably no hurry, but she has taken into account something very important: The more time passes, the harder it will be for her to find her biological parents.

Apparently, after learning the diagnosis, he began contacting the authorities and hospitals in Zhejiang Province, hoping to find some clue about his parents. Bennett was born in Ningbo and his parents named him "Long Miao." In May 2012 he was abandoned along with a note that said: "We don't know what else we could do. We are too poor to raise him. Hopefully someone can help him.". And Bennett, because of his syndrome, born deaf.

He was taken to a reception center where Molly, who is a sign language interpreter, and his partner, also deaf, adopted him in February 2014. Having spent two years of that moment, he thought that if he wanted to succeed he should do it now, given that in a few years it will be much harder to keep track and find people who can remember where Bennett was when he was abandoned. Because that is another, it will be difficult, since the baby was found with the note and not delivered personally, but despite this this mom has not hesitated to try and therefore it seems an incredible mission.

Hopefully he will make it and that in a while we can explain that Bennett found his parents, that they would have wanted to take care of him but that, by having few means, they thought he would be better off with other people.

Video: Birth Mother's Message to Son Before Adoption (July 2024).