What would Disney princesses be like if they were their true current age?

The protagonists of Disney movies They are so well known and so emblematic that many artists use them to make touch-ups, such as the one that decided to make them flesh and bone, or to raise awareness in some way to society, such as when we saw them breastfeeding babies or retouched with a body with more waist .

Now, another artist has thought it would be a good idea make Disney princesses grow old who accompanied us in our childhood and now form part of our children's, giving them how old would they be if they were real actresses and were not immune over the years. The result is, at least, curious.

The name of the artist is Isaque Arêas and as he says in Bored Panda he has been thinking for years that it would be a good idea to do something like that. Already in 2013 the project started but the result did not seem as expected and left in standby, until this year he resumed it to complete it.

Apparently, one day he reflected on how the actors in the movies we saw as children have grown and aged and thought that many of the protagonists of the cartoon films do not live those changes. Given the possibility that our own changes would take us away from how we felt when we were little, we decided to make real Disney characters, of different ages, so that the elders also have protagonists with whom to identify in some way.

Let's say what I was looking for was wake up again the inner child that we have inside and show that even having grown up, even being older, we can be beautiful, kind, strong and elegant like Disney characters.

What do you think? To me, as I say, a curious work, but honestly in my case it does not go beyond. Maybe it's because when I was little I never felt identified with them or really with any Disney character and maybe because right now I don't need to do it to feel good about myself. It may be more interesting to show children to see that, if they were real, time would also go through them.

Video: Disney Princesses Real Ages And Origins (July 2024).