"Get up for a pregnant woman." New campaign of respect for pregnant women

From the studies of Shiyang He, a designer that we have talked to you on other occasions, arrives a new campaign of respect towards pregnant women, "get up for a pregnant woman" that, under the motto of "Give your seat to someone who carries something more important" It is the new advertising campaign of the Chinese formula milk company Yili Milk.

We should not be seeing campaigns of this kind over and over again, but it seems that we still don't pay the respect that others deserve.

An ordinary day on the way to work

I do not usually take public transport much since I changed jobs, but I remember that the last time I took it was when my wife was pregnant with our second child, which made me more attentive to this type of behavior. I didn't usually sit on the road since it was barely 15 minutes and I worked sitting, so it didn't hurt either. So I could see almost the entire car and the situations that happened in it. So, I could see how people younger than me were sleeping, - just before the train entered the station were more straight than a sail -, to avoid, I suppose, the cut of sitting while another person He stands when he needs it more than you.

But this lack of empathy towards others is not exclusive to the youngest, in fact I have seen some as if they rose to leave their seat to others, but it is something increasingly widespread, it is increasingly easier to see by Everywhere you show selfishness towards others, it is increasingly difficult to give up that little bit of ourselves to create a better society.

For all that, I think it is essential to educate our children to avoid such actions, to make them understand that generosity is not strong or weak, it is not rich or poor, or men or women, but it is something that It is up to all of us.

Hopefully one day no more campaigns of this type are necessary.

Have you had any problems with the seats (or with something else) being pregnant? To tell us.

Video: Scams That Should be Illegal (July 2024).