The 10 mistakes you should never make when making a gift

Giving gifts to a child is not as easy as a priori we might think. If we are your parents, we can know more or less what you want or what you enjoy playing with, although the latter is often really complicated, because what you love tomorrow is abandoned at the bottom of the toy box and if questions that why they no longer play with this or that, you receive answers of the type: "is that it bores me" or "dad, -with the face of seeing a Martian or similar-, nobody plays that game anymore."

On the other hand we have that spatial vision that all children have, without exception. And it is the same the size of their room or even the whole house, for them there is always room for one more toy, or three dozen, it does not matter, because the problem is that they never see that there is no room for their toys. And if you ask him, where do we put that stuffed wild boar that he wants for his birthday, he will probably answer you where is his brother's cradle.

All this is day to day, but it seems that when we give gifts to the children of others we forget for a moment or perhaps, unconsciously we want to compensate for not having bought a certain toy from ours by giving it to our nephew or son of our friend, that or that we simply buy the first thing that more or less fits us and run, so here we leave you a list with those The 10 mistakes you should never make when making a gift to the children of other parents, if you value their friendship at all.

Disproportionate size gifts

A real size teddy bear and a polar bear is very cute and original, yes, but when it is decorated in the toy section of a department store, in a house it occupies the same thing as a chaise long and has the same use as the real animal , that is, none; Besides that there are not many families with room for something similar. Yes, you will probably be the favorite uncles of the month, but you will be the most hated brothers-in-law. Yourselves.

Drums, flutes, xylophones, guitars and other imitation instruments toys

It is very good to promote the left part of the brain of children and of course, music is something fundamental in our development as social beings. Playing a musical instrument is a great way to develop our son, but it can also become an instrument of torture, especially if certain instruments are given at certain ages, giving a battery to a child of three or four years is a reason more than enough to erase us from the family will and even "forget" to call us for Christmas dinner. Therefore, this type of gifts is better for parents themselves to decide to buy them, or for them to ask us to buy them.

Gifts above the child's own capacity to which they are addressed

We must pay close attention to the development of the child to whom we are going to give a toy to know if it is appropriate to their abilities, it is true that some toys that mark a certain age can be used by younger children, but in cases where that this difference is accused can create some anxiety in the child and if he has older siblings, he can find himself without his toy because it is his brothers who enjoy it and it is that many times, not knowing what to give to the child, we choose something "Generic" that everyone likes and can cause a dispute that we do not want. Giving a book of adventures for 8 years to a child of 5, no matter how advanced he goes with the letters, is not a good idea and the excuse of “already growing up” is only admitted in clothing and in certain cases.

Give a style of clothing that does not match the child

We don't like anyone to give us something that doesn't hit us. Many times when our aunt or our mother appears with that blouse four seasons ago or that skirt that according to her “in the store they told her that it is fashionable” and that it would be phenomenal, in carnival, our hair is bristling and we think “ But does he have no eyes to see that this does not go with me? ”Well, that is the same with children.

When they are young, it is clear that the style is marked by their parents and as they grow they are looking for their own style.

Take it as a competition

"It's that they gave us a gift of so many euros and I can't miss it." Enough of these Olympics to see who makes the most expensive gift, especially when something has brought the crisis is that we have realized the value of money and that we are not going to throw it into a gift that probably ends in a drawer within 15 days.

Ignore your parents' recommendations

Give away what we think you will like instead of what your parents have told us you will like. How many discussions have I had about it with people who "think they know your children better than you" or people who moved by the previous point, tell you that they have not bought what you said because "how am I going to buy something so simple?" and in the end my son ran out of one of the gifts he loved most, getting in return a very expensive robot that he will not know how to handle or enjoy for two or three years. Another thing occupying site.

Gifts that require very expensive or difficult to find refills

We should avoid, as far as possible, give away some kind of gifts that either use refills that need to be ordered outside or that cost as much as a new toy, as we are forcing parents to make a series of unforeseen expenses that may not They fit your budget. The same goes for those gifts that use unusual battery systems, such as some other country battery model or not compatible with our systems.

Children's furniture

I place them in the giant stuffed animals category. Unless it is at the request of the parents or you know that they are thinking of buying one, never give away not of those children's furniture. And even then I would ask the parents to be the ones who chose the model because nobody likes to have a piece of furniture at home that does not match anything around them.

Gifts that match your lifestyle but not those of the child

That we love a certain topic, going out to the field, practicing a sport, being fans of a certain series, does not imply that others are, even that they will like it. For example, if we want to give him the equipment of a specific team, it would be very good to ask before if the child or his parents are followers of one, especially to avoid carrying the equipment of the opposing team.

The same goes for those thematic gifts or books that talk about conflicting issues, religion, sexuality, siblings, diaper removal, etc. Your parents may not want to talk to you about these issues yet.

Gifts that need a team of engineers and architects for assembly

The gifts that carry an instruction book the size of the British encyclopedia are very good to spend Christmas morning riding and when our children are a certain age. But when you have to assemble a toy for a baby of one or two years and you spend more than ten minutes doing it, what you will achieve is to have a very pissed off boy waiting to play with his toy.

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