Encourage your children to read with Storyly, interactive digital library for children

We know the importance of encouraging reading in our children since they are young and sharing special moments with them through reading. It is also true that new technologies can be great allies at that time, as an American platform that I want to present today and that Spain has chosen for its international launch: Storyly, an interactive digital library for children ages 3 to 9.

How can Storyly help us? It offers us a whole world of fantasy just one click away. It is an intuitive and easy to use site so that the children themselves can do it whenever they want.

It has services like Remote reading, so that loved ones who live far away can read with the little ones, ideal for those of us who have relatives at a distance. It also has an online storytelling service with professional storytellers and of course, the option to read stories in the traditional way.

If you want the child to reinforce English, you will find a collection of bilingual stories in Spanish and English with three levels of difficulty: basic, intermediate and advanced.

In addition, it collaborates with 20 Spanish publishers and makes available to its users a catalog composed of more than 120 selected titles Among those are classic stories, poetry, music and adventure books, among others.

In the video below you can see better how the Storyly platform and assess whether to incorporate it into your home as a children's digital library. It is also very useful for teachers and schools.

Its price is 5.99 euros per month, although it can be enjoyed at half price in the 90 days of hiring. You can also start with a free account to try the experience.

Official site | Storyly
In Babies and more | Creativistories: short stories to share reading with children, "Tell me a story": tips for reading to young children

Video: Whitney Library: Toddlers to Teens Summer Reading Program (July 2024).